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Read about tips and trends affecting hiring and employee development. 
Promoting Changes
Realigning staff can breathe new life into your dealership, or… it can strangle it! The latest wave of eager, book-schooled graduates is crashing onto the shores of every industry throughout the world; hiring managers are finding themselves taking on the somewhat unenviable role of traffic directors. With eyes focused on the goal of long-term success […]
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The Many Minds of Employees
Want to know the real secret to true camaraderie in a collections office?  It ensures each staff member understands a colleague’s specific responses to and interpretations of everyday business situations. This is not to say they must be agreed with, as varying opinions and opposing viewpoints often promote fresh ideas and broader visions. However, simply […]
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The Producer Pit
Stop wasting time and money on hopelessly ineffective salespeople! It’s not just poor leadership or a downward-spiraling economy that can trip off a major financial disaster within your agency. Unwittingly hiring a Producer who’s actually ill-suited to the job will also do it. The statistics are disturbing and speak for themselves: a recent survey shows […]
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Facing Hire Risks
Really great PWC (personal watercraft) salespeople make their job look easy and fun!  While this may seem like a good thing, it can actually be a big problem, since it gives others the impression that anyone can sell – or should at least try. Wrong. Contrary to what some may say, your products do not just […]
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The Perfectly Imperfect Collector
Even the best person for the job can bring managerial challenges! Most credit and collections professionals admit they’ve gotten more than their share of sideways glances when others learn what they do for a living. Some claim comments like these are not that unusual: “But don’t you always feel like the bad guy?” “Well I […]
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Goal-setting: A recipe for mutual success
Quantifiable, realistic objectives work best. In today’s busy business environment, many managers and HR professionals can find it challenging to allocate time for employee goal-setting sessions. The reality is that goal-setting with employees is still a fundamental element of effective management. Goals can provide focus to employees, enhance their chances for success, and sustain their […]
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