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Read about tips and trends affecting hiring and employee development. 
When Your New Manager Has Unexpected Difficulties
Eight months ago, you were so impressed with one of your computer programmers' performance that you promoted him to an open management position. You had high hopes for his continued job success, as he was very experienced, loyal, and responsible. However, things turned out differently than you’d hoped; the last eight months have been taxing […]
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ROI Winner!! Saga Communications!
A special thanks to all that recently participated in our ROI Information Gathering contest.  We had a great response, enjoyed the opportunity to speak to many of you, and gathered some beneficial information to help our business grow and better serve our clients! CONGRATULATIONS to our WINNER:   Warren Lada ~ Senior VP/Operations at Saga Communications […]
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Sustaining Employee Motivation
Easy ways to revive lackluster employees Think about the individuals who are your staff. Is each one still an eager, enthusiastic contributor to the team? As with personal life experiences, the passing of time can dull work experiences -- make what was once exciting and novel seem routine and boring. Can you breathe new life […]
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10 Things That Annoy Decision Makers
Selling in today’s highly competitive business world requires more effort and energy than ever. However, certain things can work against you, especially when you sell in a B2B environment. Salespeople can do various things that annoy decision-makers and prospects to the point they actually keep the sales process from moving forward. Here are a few […]
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4 Steps to More Motivated Employees
Let’s face it…there is no particular set of rules that one should follow in motivating employees. We each have our own driving force when it comes to doing an excellent job at work. A working mother could be motivated by her children, who serve as her inspiration to succeed. A trainee who is fresh out […]
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Management Works Well With Others
Can you say this—and mean it -- about you and your staff members? Remember the first time you joined a team? Whether it involved sports, academics, entertainment, politics, or anything in between, you were supposed to communicate ideas, associate with people, and work toward a specific goal. The same can be said about the team […]
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