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Read about tips and trends affecting hiring and employee development. 
Stressed To The Limits?
As a manager, one of your responsibilities is to respond to subordinates when they seem to be floundering or experiencing major setbacks. If you’ve noticed an overall decrease in your staff's enthusiasm, it may be more than just an early case of the summer doldrums. Experts agree that absenteeism, tardiness, or negative attitudes can spike […]
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After the Rebound: Will Your Top Talent Leave?
Are you ready for the US economy to rebound? Say “yes” only if your senior management has already: • Updated hiring practices • Set the retention of top talent as a primary goal • Worked to engage employees actively • Provided staff monetary and non-monetary motivators The fact is that without these four turnover-lowering strategies […]
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Producing Peak Performers
Are you doing all you can to bring out the best in your sales staff? Being the one in charge, the leader is not just about planning strategies, setting goals, and exhibiting strong assertiveness levels. It’s also about displaying enthusiasm, listening, communicating, motivating -- knowing what you should say and doing to manage your employees […]
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Retain Your Top Employees in 2011
It’s no secret that the recent economic downturn has thrown fear into the hearts of many employees and forced most to hold tight to their jobs – like them or not. However….a recent survey by job-placement firm Manpower states that 84% of employees plan to look for a new position this year! That is up […]
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Why Don’t the New Hires Get It?
The last training session proved disastrous. There you were, at the front of the room, speaking enthusiastically about the challenges of turning reluctant prospects into satisfied clients. But the faces staring back at you looked skeptical. A couple of people seemed genuinely and openly uninspired by your unabashedly brilliant and animated presentation; others looked confused. […]
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Have Your Workers Found Their True Calling?
Unfortunately, workers rarely get to use their signature strengths around the office. If they did, they’d see their responsibilities as not just a job but a true calling. In simple terms, signature strengths can be compared to career-related DNA. Like genetic cells, they differ from one person to the next, and everyone has them; they’re […]
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