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Read about tips and trends affecting hiring and employee development. 
How to Take a Codependent Employee from Good to Great
Do you have an employee who is hardworking and extremely conscientious? Who takes on more tasks and is always willing to follow through on the tedious, clerical chores everyone else avoids? Who routinely stays late and does favors for all? Who remembers birthdays and brings in homemade brownies? Who anticipates every office need? Sounds wonderful. […]
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How Empowered Employees Can Impact the Client Experience
By now, you may have heard about that audiotape featuring a Comcast employee and a long-suffering customer who wanted nothing more than to have his service canceled sans fuss. Unfortunately, the very aggressive and very talkative sales representative refused to comply until the customer would tell him why he “wouldn’t want the fastest internet in […]
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Testing for Team Building
The great poet John Donne famously wrote that “No man is an island.” Donne’s observation was a comment on humanity's inherent interdependence, and it’s hard to argue with his worldview. People need other people. That’s a fact. And this fact is very apparent in the workplace, where absolutely nothing can be accomplished without team effort. […]
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Top Tips to Reduce Employee Turnover
No, we're not talking about a few extra pounds gained from a tasty, fluffy pastry...the effect of employee turnover hurts! Whether it happens when a good employee pursues an opportunity elsewhere or when a not-so-good one is “encouraged” to find an opportunity elsewhere. After congratulations are delivered (or the whispering stops), your company has to […]
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How Managers Make Mistakes With Internal Promotions
Thinking of moving your longtime service writer into a sales position?  Not so fast! Say you have an employee who has worked very well for you throughout the years. He’s conscientious, practical, team-minded, and organized…a dream employee. Lately, though, he’s seemed frustrated. He’s also started hinting that he’d like it if you’d give him an opportunity […]
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Sticker Shock: The Price You’ll Really Pay When Employees Leave
Two months ago, you hired Dave to work in sales. This morning he dropped the bomb: he’s leaving your company to go to your closest competitor. Now, what do you do? Could this have been prevented? What went wrong? Contrary to popular belief, when an employee leaves the job soon after they start, it is […]
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