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Read about tips and trends affecting hiring and employee development. 
A Commitment to Community – Reflecting on a Year of Giving Back and Gaining in Return
In early 2023, our team at Omnia revisited and refreshed our company values. I remember well the conversations we had about specific word choices, and the one that stands out to me most was our conversation around our value of Commitment and Unequivocal Excellence. It was in this value that we intentionally stated that We […]
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Work/Life Balance: 6 Paths to a Joyous Holiday Season
Vacations, parties, end-of-year targets—December is a whirlwind. With so much on your plate, it's easy to feel pulled in every direction. Despite its 31 days, December often seems to fly by. It's meant for celebration, reflection, and treasured moments with loved ones. Yet, amidst the festivities, work commitments can inundate this special period. Balancing work […]
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Leading with CARE: Elevating Employee Engagement in Your Credit Union
This article was written for readers of our partner publication CUInsight. It received such a positive reaction, we decided to share it with our weekly blog audience. We hope you find it helpful as well. Have you heard about mouse jigglers? I discovered them during a recent lunch with a colleague dedicated to enhancing employee […]
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Developing the Next Generation of Leaders for Your Business: 4 Steps to Begin Your Succession Planning Process
Succession planning — the process of identifying and developing internal talent to take on future leadership roles within an organization — is often looked at as a lengthy, time-consuming exercise that is only necessary for big corporations and C-suite executives. However, succession planning can be a tremendous benefit for all levels of leadership and for […]
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The Perils of Horrible Leadership: Spooky Leadership Tales for Halloween
As Halloween approaches and we revel in the atmosphere of eerie ghouls and goblins, it's a perfect time to delve into a spine-chilling narrative that's not rooted in the supernatural but is all too real: the perils of horrible leadership. Just as we fear monsters under our beds and ghosts in the attic, the horrors […]
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The Power of Company Culture: A Glimpse Inside One Bank's Success Story
In the hustle and bustle of running a company, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day operations and lose sight of something that might seem intangible but holds immense power: your company culture. You might think culture is just a buzzword or something that only big corporations or the HR Department worries about. […]
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