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A Commitment to Community – Reflecting on a Year of Giving Back and Gaining in Return

December 18, 2023

By: Keather Snyder

In early 2023, our team at Omnia revisited and refreshed our company values. I remember well the conversations we had about specific word choices, and the one that stands out to me most was our conversation around our value of Commitment and Unequivocal Excellence. It was in this value that we intentionally stated that We are committed to our clients, each other, our community, and the company. One of the ways we live out this value is by having a consistent commitment to giving back our time, talent, and treasures to support our local community through volunteering, providing discounts on our services to non-profits, and giving our time and treasure to organizations whose missions mean the most to us.

As we approach the end of this year, my heart is full reflecting back on everything we’ve done together to help others. In a year that was filled with tumultuous economic and political climates, in an ever shifting and volatile business market, we found so much reward and fulfillment in giving back. It fueled us and our employee engagement.

All our Omnia Team members volunteer for organizations whose missions align closely with addressing the individuals or issues we care most about. Personally, I’m committed to helping students and young professionals grow and thrive, so I dedicate my time as a member of the University of South Florida (USF) MUMA College of Business Advisory Board. Helping people pave a path from homelessness and addiction is also an important issue for me, so I serve as the Chair of The Portico Advisory Team overseeing the execution of our vision and mission. Most recently, I was accepted into the Leadership Tampa Bay class of 2024 where I’ve already enjoyed so much exposure to community issues, change initiatives and social service organizations addressing these needs. I graduate next May and look forward to several more Leadership Days between now and then and all I will learn. There could be a whole blog on each of these experiences alone. There could be a whole blog on each of these experiences alone.

Our website lists all the organizations we support. In keeping with our commitment to community, this year we decided to select an organization to focus on each quarter. Our employees voted and selected the needs we want to support, and we have a small team who identifies the organization with the greatest need and sets out to implement a plan for support. We’ve donated time, money and items to a number of organizations this year. I’d like to dedicate this blog to reflect on all the ways we’ve demonstrated our commitment to community throughout 2023 and what it meant to us.


Q1 – University of Florida Sales Competition and Habitat for Humanity  

In February, our team sponsored and participated in the USF Intercollegiate Selling with The Bulls competition, just as we’ve done for several years. We provide complimentary assessments to business development club students and competition participants. Members of our team serve as judges in the competition—an inspiring two days of rounds of judging cold calling, LinkedIn connections, sales calls, and presentations. Seeing the talent of these students and their dedication to personal development gives us all hope for the sales professionals and leaders of our future.   

For years we have been committed to supporting Habitat for Humanity, so it was an easy selection for our first all hands volunteer activity. In March, a Home Preservation project brought Omnia’s ten-member team of employees and their family members together with an area veteran and his wife bright and early on the first Saturday of March. 

The Omnia team had the opportunity to work closely with the homeowners and get to know them. They also learned new skills, leveraged existing skills, enjoyed the beautiful Tampa weather, and got a great workout. It’s a day we’ve looked back on with great satisfaction and some good stories throughout this year.  


Q2 Breadcoin Launches in Tampa Bay

Again, through my association with The Portico, I was exposed to an issue related to food insecurity specifically addressing those who don’t have kitchens and who can’t benefit from food donations when they don’t have a place to cook or refrigerate, much less even open a can of food. This issue really struck a chord for me, so I dedicated time to supporting the launch of Breadcoin in Tampa Bay. Later in the year, our Omnia Team packed bags and donated breadcoins for executives of the CEO Council of Tampa Bay to distribute throughout our community.   


Q3 Hillsborough County Pet Resources Foundation

It might have been fate or luck helping when we chose our community activity for the summer. We gathered for a 4th of July party and decided to have everyone bring a donation to support a need near and dear to our hearts—animals! Just as Hurricane Idalia was hitting the west coast of Florida, our team dropped off a carload of pet food and toys that came just in time as the Hillsborough County Pet Resources Foundation was overrun with pets being dropped off by residents evacuating the Bay area.  


Q4 Hope for Her and Toys for Tots

As we gathered for our annual Omnia Day of Connection, we selected Hope for Her, an organization that provides a safe place where women experiencing crisis and trauma can find the strength, skills and support they need to rebuild their best lives. Once again, our generous colleagues donated food and an overstuffed SUV load of food supplies to make Thanksgiving dinner boxes.  


Most recently, we gathered for our annual Holiday celebration, and our team selected Toys for Tots. Everyone in attendance brought a toy to give, and our remote colleagues both near and far shipped toys for delivery. It’s uplifting to think of the smiles these gifts will bring.    


Our Final Gift of 2023 – On Behalf of Our Clients

For the past two years, the Omnia Group has donated a portion of our annual profits with a cash donation to Habitat for Humanity that we send on behalf of our clients (we no longer send corporate gifts to clients). We are delighted to give a portion of our profits on behalf of our clients again this year. I’m also pleased to have another build date on our calendar for February 2024. 


Studies continue to show that a commitment to corporate social responsibility, community involvement and work supported volunteer activities boost productivity, increase employee engagement, and improve retention. However, we don’t mandate any of these activities for our team. We lead by example. We involve our employees in selecting the activities and organizations that matter most to them, and we offer time off to individually support activities they choose on their own. That is what’s driven and supported our team’s participation and contributions. We benefit from high participation in every quarterly activity. And here’s what a few of our employees had to say about their experiences.  


“Since joining Omnia almost four years ago, I've seen the significant impact that our founder Heather Caswell has had on the Tampa community throughout Omnia's 38-year history. The core leadership team actively engages in various community service initiatives, generously dedicating both time and financial resources to contribute meaningfully to the betterment of the community we serve. Our company's mission to give back and support the community is evident and I am thankful to work with our team.”  -  Jamie Morlock  


"Companies that give back to the community aren't just contributing to social causes; they are investing in a culture of compassion and purpose. When employees see their organization making a positive impact beyond profits, it fosters a sense of pride and purpose, creating a workplace where engagement flourishes and collective success becomes a shared mission."  -  Kris Spell 


"Omnia has truly transformed my approach to community involvement. Living within my territory, I've seamlessly blended personal and professional passions by expanding my engagement with organizations aligned with our business. This opportunity has been more than a chance to give back—it's about bridging our corporate mission with the heartbeat of the community, creating a profound impact that extends beyond the workday. I appreciate Omnia for providing not just a platform for professional growth but a canvas to weave my personal values into our shared purpose. I am thankful for this incredible opportunity.”  -  Blithe Woodham 


Ralph Waldo Emerson may have said it best. “It is one of the beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” Our teammates have all found joy and fulfillment through these activities throughout our year, and we look forward to seeing what joy 2024 will bring for all of us. Thank you for taking the time to read through these examples. May they inspire all of us to make an even bigger impact in the year ahead and in the years to come. 

Keather Snyder

Keather Snyder is President & Chief Operating Officer of The Omnia Group, a leader in helping organizations optimize their talent selection, development and company culture. She is dedicated to helping organizations drive results through the power of their people. Keather is also hugely passionate about developing our future generation of leaders and dedicates personal time to mentoring college age and early career professionals.

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