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The Opportunity

This winter CEO and founder Heather Caswell was approached with an opportunity that piqued her interest – an offer to spotlight The Omnia Group and the Omnia Behavioral Profile on national television.

About Empowered, Hosted by Meg Ryan.

Empowered, hosted by Meg Ryan, is a program dedicated to highlighting critical stories that influence how consumers live globally. With its skilled development and creative team and using the latest filming techniques and technology, Empowered creates compelling snapshots of our world and the future possibilities that can transform society. Each episode aims to shed light on underrepresented storylines and industry sectors.

Why Omnia?

The Empowered creative development team "…selected The Omnia Group because their innovative approach and core values align with our mission to highlight women leaders in HR Tech who are making significant impacts in their fields. Their cutting-edge use of behavioral analysis, commitment to educating and empowering the next generation, and dedication to employee development made them an ideal partner for our series."

The Players

In addition to speaking with Omnia’s President and COO Keather Snyder, the Empowered team asked to hear from users of Omnia’s behavioral assessment. Ben Keating of Keating Auto Group, who has been a client of Omnia’s for over 20 years, generously agreed to record a segment from his own studio in Texas.

Keather also reached out to Karla Verdi, Vice President of Learning and Development at PuzzleHR, an Omnia Partner, to invite her on a road trip. Karla graciously offered to join Keather (on a Sunday, no less) to make the trek to the Empowered studio in South Florida.

The Lead Up

On the road to pick Karla up, Keather realized that, though they had met a few times in business settings, they hadn’t spent much time really talking. Would being in the car together for eight hours be awkward? That worry went away almost as soon as the two left Karla’s driveway. Karla’s personality is magnetic, and right away the two were talking as if they’d known each other forever. It helped that they each have a passion for coaching and a dedication for helping clients achieve success.

Some of the time on the road was spent reviewing the materials provided by the Empowered team and deciding who would answer what. A lot of the time was spent sharing stories and philosophies about the HR world in general. Keather and Karla shared one basic touchstone when it comes to human resources: “Don’t be a jerk.” Unsurprisingly, that part didn’t make it into the segment.

After preparing for some time, they decided that too much preparation and scripting might not be a good thing. As is typical of natural leadership personality types, they decided it would be best to “shoot from the hip.” That instinct ended up being just what the Empowered creative team wanted. More on that later.

A Crisis of Caffeine

The plan for the morning of the shoot was for Keather and Karla to each spend some time alone in their hotel rooms, preparing mentally. While they’ve both logged many hours speaking publicly, sometimes in front of large crowds, they both admitted to feeling nervous being on camera. Keather figured some quiet alone time would help them gather their thoughts before the filming began.

There was one problem, though. When Keather went down to the hotel lobby to get a cup of coffee, she found no coffee, no cups, and no help from the front desk. Also, no breakfast, and this was supposed to be a full-service hotel!

Not wanting to leave Karla in a coffeeless and breakfastless state, she needed to break into Karla’s reflective time to take her food and beverage order. Within a few minutes, Uber Eats delivered them both much-needed caffeine and pastries from a nearby café. According to Karla, the coffee was even more important than uninterrupted quiet time, especially with the task ahead!

At the Studio

There were a lot of nerves going into the studio, but it didn’t take long for Keather and Karla to feel welcome and comfortable. Both were impressed by the professionalism and warmth of the Empowered crew and how well they managed the experience. They started out in a beautiful room with cappuccino and snacks and a whole wall full of awards.

Before they each filmed their segments, one of the team got them started by asking questions. He had done his homework, and his knowledge and curiosity made Keather and Karla feel at ease; before long they were communicating their ideas freely, and it was clear that the unscripted approach to sharing their knowledge and passion was just what the Empowered team wanted to capture.

The creative team was open to direction and feedback regarding what Keather hoped to highlight about Omnia. They listened and created the shots or made the adjustments Keather requested.

The day was a whirlwind, and the results…

Well, we can’t give too much away before the premier! But those on the Omnia Team who’ve had the pleasure of seeing the final video couldn’t be any happier with it.


After Karla generously contributed so much time and enthusiasm to the project, Keather had to offer a special thank you. A bottle of wine and a bouquet of roses – but not just any roses. During one of their discussions, Keather learned that one of Karla’s favorite ways of unwinding is building intricate Lego projects, so what better way to say thank you than with Lego roses. Karla was thrilled and put them together the same day.

We can’t thank Ben Keating of Keating Auto Group and Karla Verdi of Puzzle HR enough for taking time out of their hectic schedules to speak so passionately about The Omnia Group. We’re so grateful for your loyalty and your enthusiasm for the Omnia Behavioral Profile.

Stay Tuned Keep an eye on The Omnia Group’s social media updates to find out when and where to watch the Empowered video. Local clients and Omnia team members will be attending a red-carpet viewing event on June 27th, in St. Petersburg. In addition to dressing up to toast the premier, we will also be gathering donations of school supplies and monetary contributions for the Hillsborough Education Foundation.

I know what you’re thinking, but no; it’s our first time turning 39! We’re not shy about our age. In March of 1985 gas cost $.83/gallon, the number one song was “Can’t Fight this Feeling” by REO Speedwagon, Beverly Hills Cop was a hit in theaters, and shoulder pads were all the rage. And that was the year Heather and John Caswell founded one of the first companies to pioneer behavioral analysis in the workplace.

It all started with a Macintosh 128k and a stack of floppy disks. If you don’t ever remember gas costing so little, you may need to read this Wikipedia entry to find out about floppy disks. This cutting-edge-at-the-time equipment was a critical component to pioneering the technology – The Omnia Behavioral Assessment – that has been helping businesses find the perfect fit for their jobs for nearly 40 years.

The Omnia Assessment (called the Omnia Profile back then) utilizes the theoretical work performed by William Marston, PhD, and the practical work by Prescott Lecky of Columbia University.

The Omnia Assessment analyzes non-pathological behavior – psychometrics – to evaluate an individual’s preferred behaviors. Then, using a series of questions, existing employees as benchmarks, and decades of industry knowledge, we help our clients create templates for their open positions. The individual preferences are compared with a position template to see if there is compatibility.

Our assessment measures four groups of behaviors: assertiveness, sociability, pace, and structure. And it includes something many of our competitors don’t have – a group of learned behavior words, which helps determine the quality of an individual’s behavior (what we call Perspective). For example, is an individual appropriately assertive and competitive? Or could they be reckless or confrontational? Are they measured and methodical, or might they be stubborn?

Both the assessment as a whole and the perspective measurement have been validated three times – most recently in 2023!

At the start, all work was transmitted via snail mail. Omnia mailed the assessment form to the client. Once a candidate completed it, it would be mailed back to us to be analyzed. Then, in the mail it went again, back to the client.

It’s hard to imagine having that much patience! Especially now, when an assessment can be sent instantly, completed on a computer or mobile device in under 10 minutes, and then returned either immediately, for our automated Target assessments, or within three hours, for our Custom analyzed assessments. But since the beginning, Omnia has embraced innovation, adopting fax technology in a drive to serve more clients more quickly. We still have clients who fax us assessments. If it works for them, it works for us.

Omnia has grown along with its clients, evolving our technology, adding new tools like our cognitive assessment, and improving our existing tools to help our clients hire, manage, develop and engage their talent. With that goal in mind, Omnia has just released its third annual Talent Trends Survey Report. We surveyed 388 companies across 21 different industries, functions, and hierarchies to offer critical, actionable insights to help organizations retain valuable talent in 2024 and beyond.

As Omnia nears its fourth decade in the compatibility assessment and employee retention business, it is helping more and more clients every year reduce turnover and boost profit by building a better, more collaborative, motivated and engaged workforce.

Speaking of working for our clients, here is what some of them have to say about Omnia:

"At Saga, talent is our number one resource. As a result, we are diligent in our recruiting and retention efforts. Hiring mistakes are usually costly ones. Tami Santiago and her team at The Omnia Group are a critical component to our success. We have been working with the Omnia Group for decades and will continue to do so." Chris Forgy, Sr., Saga Communications

"The more I’ve learned about the Profile, the more impressed I am. Omnia saved us many times from a bad hire, and confirmed what we experienced with the candidate. Using Omnia takes a lot of stress out of candidate selection." David Rose, Dowling & O'Neil Insurance

"For over 10 years, we have used Omnia to help us evaluate potential candidates for hire. Not only does the profile give us insight if the candidate is the right fit for the position, but they also help coach us on what a strong candidate looks like for our industry. As a result, we have made some tremendous hires that are helping propel our business to the next level!" Pete Krammes, Seltzer Insurance Agency

We’re so grateful to our clients for their loyalty and for allowing us to help contribute to their success. But Omnia doesn’t just sell and support our tools, we use them, too. If you’re curious how that has worked out for us, you should know that the average tenure for a US employee in 2023 was 4.1 years, and the average tenure for an Omnia employee in 2023 was 15.5 years!

What keeps us here year after year? Strong leadership (in the form of Omnia’s Co-founder and CEO Heather Caswell and President and COO  Keather Snyder), hiring right the first time, and an unprecedented level of understanding of ourselves and one another has nurtured a culture of respect that is hard to beat.

In short, Omnia walks the talk! We are each familiar with our personality types, the strengths and challenges that come with our traits, and how to leverage the former and overcome the latter.

Knowing how we like to communicate and how our coworkers like to communicate, what each person’s preferred pace is, how assertive or cautious, structured or independent we all are helps us work effectively together. It irons out wrinkles that people who don’t use the assessment have to stumble over or work around. We don’t need to question why someone reacted a certain way to a specific situation; we know why. We get it because that’s what we do. Plus, we really like one another!

The helpful insights that come from the Omnia Assessment keep both our clients and our own team coming back year after year. It’s a tool we believe in, and it makes life easier!

From a Mac 128k on a kitchen table to virtual offices throughout the US, The Omnia Group has been helping our clients and our own company flourish since 1985. It has weathered hurricanes, economic crashes, a pandemic, and shoulder pads. If you want to see what this simple but powerful assessment can do to help your business excel, reach out to us today. We know how to help!

Mid-year, the end of the second quarter, school’s out! This is a great time to reflect on your career, check in on your goals, and see how you’re doing. So, how is it going? Feeling stress-free, engaged, and overall satisfied? Excellent! Check in with us next week for another informative article!

Oh, or no? Or maybe not all those things all the time? Maybe it’s time to do some soul searching to see what’s keeping you from feeling your best in your career.

Are you staying engaged?  

In all honesty, midyear is probably not the time when you’re going to feel 100% engaged at work. If you have kids, they have just finished or are just finishing school for the year. You’re shifting from last-minute-everything mode to give-them-something/anything-to-do mode. If you’re a former kid, you may be struggling to remember why and when we all agreed to work most of the summer instead of having it off like we used to. There are vacations to take, other people’s vacations to cover, graduations to attend, and fun places to go or wish you were going.

It’s ironic that I volunteered to write about this topic a few months ago, before I realized that I would be experiencing MAJOR life changes when it came time to write it. Midyear finds me picking up stakes and moving myself and my family long distance, to a different home, state and climate. If you’ve never sold your house and moved long distance, let me assure you, the process is full of distractions! If I wasn’t engaged by my career, I would probably have had a bit of a breakdown trying to do all this and keep working. As it is, I’m muddling through (I think) because I enjoy what I do, and I feel supported by my manager and teammates.

It's ok to not feel fully engaged all the time. If there’s one thing we discovered through these challenging last couple of years, it’s that we can all still get a lot done, even when our mind is very FULLY on something else. Still, some consistent element of engagement is critical to health, success, and happiness in your career. Think of your professional engagement as the lifeline that helps you stay successful even when you would be otherwise distracted. If there is nothing in your daily responsibilities that makes you feel energized and helps you keep your head in the game, it may be time to make some adjustments.

What is your stress level at work?

Whether we like it or not, some amount of career stress is inevitable. Most adults are doing some pretty incredible life-work balancing acts, and most of us have internal and external pressures about our performance. But chronic work-related stress left unchecked can lead to major problems. Are you finding yourself dreading work, lacking energy, struggling to concentrate on the job, and/or having difficulty sleeping at night? If so, according to The Mayo Clinic, you may be approaching or already experiencing job burnout.

If you’re feeling these things, chances are pretty good, you know the source. Maybe it’s conflict with a supervisor or colleague, maybe it’s deadlines or objectives that are impossible to achieve, maybe it’s chronic uncertainty about your job, or maybe you’re just not doing work that aligns with your strengths and motivators.

If you know your major stressor is temporary, you may do best to wait it out, but make sure you are focusing on self-care as much as possible while you do. However, being out of alignment with your core duties is not the kind of problem that will go away on its own or solve itself.

If you’re a competitor with no chances to compete, a people person working in solitude, an analytic dealing in generalities and hypotheticals all day, an innovator who always needs to strictly follow the rules, you are out of alignment. This can make all your daily work feel like a struggle. It’s not that you can’t be successful for a short time, but not being true to the needs of your personality is rarely sustainable and is almost always stressful.

The good news is the change you need does not always have to be that dramatic. It may be enough to make a small shift in your responsibilities – take on something new, swap something that doesn’t motivate you with someone who it does motivate. If management is sympathetic and flexible (which they should be, since helping minimize stress for employees improves productivity and profitability!) there’s potential for adjustments that could benefit both you and a colleague. That’s a win-win!

Do you have sufficient opportunities to grow?

Even if you’re totally happy with your work, culture, colleagues, and company (or especially if you are) humans require some kind of growth to stay motivated. We’re curious creatures who love to learn. Do you have goals beyond your basic responsibilities that you’re working toward? If not, this is a good time to explore your interests and speak with your manager about opportunities. Covering for colleagues during their breaks can provide an excellent chance for cross-training and exploration of different duties.

If you have growth goals in place or set New Year’s resolutions, how is your progress at this midpoint of the year? This is the time to look back and praise yourself for how well you’ve done or to make adjustments to your goals, if circumstances, opportunities, or interests have shifted. You’re only halfway through the year – there’s lots of time to adjust and get moving!

Knowing about yourself can help you maintain career satisfaction, productivity, and engagement and mitigate stress. A behavioral assessment, like the Omnia Professional Development report, can help you identify what you need to ensure success for the rest of 2022 and beyond. Reach out to your Omnia Success Team member for more information.

I’ve tried it all… the home edit, the Marie Kondo method, Pinterest dollar store finds for organization. I’m addicted to anything related to organizing your home and life. My t-shirts are folded in thirds and stacked horizontally, socks are in Ikea drawer organizers, books are arranged by the colors of the rainbow (this one makes no sense, but they look pretty). However, it takes about 2.2 seconds for my methods to crumble.


I’d like to blame the other people living in my household who are never as enamored of my systems as I am. But the biggest culprit is my complete lack of personal discipline. I tend to quickly stuff things out of sight when I’m in a hurry, and I’m always in a hurry (I know you can relate).

I keep reorganizing though because when things are organized, I truly feel better and work faster. My mindset, productivity and energy are just stronger. Stuff gets done without spinning my wheels on finding what I need. I think this is true of most people, though your organization process is likely very different from mine, and that’s okay, whatever works for you, do that.

Do that. The end. Short blog.

Just kidding. Goals are like socks, emails, bills, books, we need to know where they are so we can put them on, answer them, pay them, read them…  One of the reasons we tend to drop some goals is that we don’t organize ourselves around their achievement. We write them down, and then possibly forget where. But when we can see all our shirts or know exactly where the charger is, we get out of the house faster. Goals feel less concrete; you can’t pick them up like a book, and therefore they require a different set of organizational rules.

Number 1: Understand yourself. I know, it sounds a bit hokey. But really, understanding yourself is the foundation for literally everything. For example, it helps you identify potential roadblocks, like a tendency to take shortcuts when you’re in a hurry. Who you are intrinsically doesn’t stop you from doing anything, rather it gives you the answer key for getting what you want in a way that works best for you. Knowing you are naturally cautious, extroverted, detailed, or fast paced, helps you assess the best ways to use your strengths and navigate around your weaknesses as you work towards each goal.  Self-awareness enhances our focus and helps light our way.

Number 2: Create SMART goals (I know another acronym). SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.

Specific. Being specific is always important. If I ask for a PB&J sandwich and get one made with grape jelly, but I’m allergic to grapes, that’s a problem. I wasn’t specific. Know what you want, why you want it, whose help you might need and the resources you’ll require. Include that information in your goal.

Measurable. There needs to be an indicator of success. For example, you set a goal to work on your public speaking. Make it measurable by adding activities to get you there. I will sign up for Toastmasters or some other course, complete the course by (time) and give a presentation on (your area of expertise) to my department at our Q3 team meeting.

Attainable. Goals are all about stretching, but don’t let yourself snap!

Relevant. Sometimes things change and a goal might not be relevant to you anymore. You set a goal to get a corner office, but now your office is fully remote, the goal is not relevant.

Timely. That means deadlines. When will you accomplish the goal?

Number 3: For each goal, have a plan. The plan might vary based on the goal. You might find your goal is achieved by a simple checklist or maybe it will require a more elaborate layout. Also, your personality type is likely to drive the level of detail you put into each plan and that’s okay. Using our “work on my public speaking” goal as an example, your plan might be to research classes, workshops or other activities that develop your public speaking skills by a certain date. Next, choose one, maybe 2, and go through the course. Finally, your plan is to do a presentation to a group of at least 20 people by a certain date. Your organized plan makes execution much easier.

If you are interested in learning more about yourself or your team as you develop goals for 2022, the Omnia Assessment is a great place to start. Our self-awareness reports provide a non-threatening review of an individual’s strengths and challenge areas. Each report is written to (not about) you and provides a way to reflect on your own personal tendencies and preferences.

So put those socks away and admire your color coordinated bookshelves on your road to a bigger, better, more organized 2022.

New Year’s what? Oh yeah! LOL. I was so young and naïve 30 days ago.

If this is you, I’m not going to judge. It has sure been me more often than I’d like to admit because even the most starry-eyed, carefully planned goals can be derailed by this crazy thing called life. Take heart! The new year is still fresh, and your starry-eyed goals can be revived. You just need to identify your obstacles and plan to overcome them. (Psst… even if you’re too tired to think about that right now).

First, you need to identify your obstacles. Then, you need to make a plan.

Obstacle 1: You’re too tired to even think about that right now. Resolutions are exciting when you’re coming off several weeks of celebrating and not-normal life. You can see space for them in your return to your usual schedule. The problem is, you may have forgotten that your “normal” schedule was pretty crazy too. Still, you made that goal for a reason. It was important to not-tired you!

Plan: Go tiny. You don’t have to do it allll today! Just take a little step. One step every day. All those steps add up. A friend of mine used to say of hitchhikers (not to them because he didn’t pick them up due to possible murder), “If you keep walking with your thumb out, you’ll get there eventually.” Take those steps. They’ll get easier and faster, and soon, you’ll look back to find yourself miles away from where you started.

Obstacle 2:
It doesn’t seem so important anymore. This happens to me a lot. I lose momentum on a goal because I can’t really remember why I set it in the first place. The perfect example is my crazy, periodic quest to quit drinking coffee. I’m sure there was always a reason, but I can’t for the life of me think what it was.

Plan: Reevaluate. Situations and priorities change. Take a look at the goal you set. Is there some element of it that’s important to you still? If so, try again. Make an adjustment so that the goal matches your situation a little better. If not, let it go! In the case of my quitting coffee resolution, the real goal was to be healthier and to not “drink my calories.” This year, I changed my quest to learning to like black coffee. That way, I’m still getting my caffeine fix (come on, I’m not giving that up), but I’m not having all the fat and sugar I was putting in my morning cup. And you know what? So far so good. I’m comfortable with this adjustment, and I’m proud of myself because I’ve made some progress.

Obstacle 3:
I tried. It didn’t go well. I got discouraged. It stinks to put effort into something only to have it not work out. What’s the sense of trying if I’m just going to fail, right? But did you really fail?

Plan: Identify your success. We get so caught up in perfection, it’s easy to overlook our progress. Every time we try something, we learn something. Give yourself credit for the lesson, adjust your technique, and try again. I have to remind my son about this all the time. I say, “Sonny-boy,” I totally don’t call him that, “you didn’t just try walking once, fall on your butt, and never try again, did you?” To which he responds by rolling his eyes. But it’s a good reminder for me too!

Obstacle 4:
There’s no time. All the time you thought you’d have after the holidays never seemed to materialize. It’s noon before you know it and midnight a blink of an eye later. (How does Friday still seem so far away?)

Plan: Pay yourself first. They say time is money. If you’re trying to meet financial goals, you need to pay yourself first. The same is true with your time. Stake out your time. Put it on a calendar. Put yourself on “do not disturb.” There’s always something that will seem more important, especially to other people. Claim the 5-10-15 minutes, whatever you need to take your small step that day.

Obstacle 5:
That mean little voice in your head calling you names. This is a family-friendly space, so I’m not going to quote some of the stuff that mean little voice says. We say things to ourselves we’d never say to a loved one or even an acquaintance. Do you kiss your mamma with that mouth?

Plan: Give yourself grace. Whatever you’ve tried and however you’ve progressed (or haven’t), cut yourself some slack! Goodness - you’re only human. And you’re trying. Be as kind to you as you would be to a friend.

For whatever other obstacles you encounter: Be your own teacher. Think back on something you’ve accomplished before. How did you do it? What was it about that time that made it different from previous less-successful attempts?

For me, the times I’ve set a goal and achieved it (apart from that time I resolved to make no resolutions that year – a valid goal tbh) all have something in common. I DECIDED I was going to do it. That was it. It was a thing I was absolutely going to do. And I did. Maybe I have made that “do or die” decision before and haven’t been as successful. In retrospect, I can’t really tell if that was the case or if I had been giving myself little escape clauses. But the times I have accomplished a goal all have that in common. I decided, and not achieving the goal was not an option.

Look back at the things you’ve done in the past that really make you proud. How’d you do it? Do that some more.
Shoot, that final piece of advice makes the rest seem kind of unnecessary. I’ll just say this then: The best of luck in the pursuit of all your goals. Luck certainly helps. And Happy Still-New Year!

At the start of any new year, I like to do self-reflection on the year that’s passed and think about what I want to accomplish in the coming year. I’m not big on setting New Year’s resolutions, but I do like setting intentions for the year. With those intentions there are always goals that I end up setting for myself. I also pick a word that encompasses the main intention for the year that I can use as my guiding star or compass point. Over the years, I’ve chosen words like joy, grace, hope, and revive. This year my word is learn.

Last year, I used a new monthly planner; each month, it asked me what I had learned the month prior and what I wanted to learn the next. While I was thumbing back through the year, I realized that most of my learnings were in response to a situation or challenge at work or something I was trying to address in my personal life. Unfortunately, they were all mostly reactionary. That’s when it came to me that I wanted to spend 2022 being more intentional about learning new things and personal growth – and thus came my word for 2022.

Heading into this new year, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the word learn and how I can approach learning more intentionally and mindfully. As a fan of process, I’ve categorized this idea into phases that I hope you’ll find helpful as you set out to accomplish your goals and learning plan for the year ahead:

1. Identify your gaps
2. Set learning goals
3. Get going
4. Learn and adjust
5. Celebrate

Identify what needs to be learned 

The first step with intentional learning is to figure out what you want to learn. It helps to know where you are now, where you want to be, and what the gap is to get there. It’s in this gap that the learning objectives become crystal clear, though sometimes, it’s not that easy to see when we’re getting started.  The best place to start is with a future-focused look at what you want to achieve or the result you want at the end. Ideally, you picture yourself achieving that result. As Stephen Covey says in still one of my favorite personal development books The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Habit 2 is “Begin with the End in Mind.” An example of this is reading a recipe before cooking or looking at a map of your destination before leaving on a trip. Once you have that image in mind, picture yourself in the process of doing it and consider where you may have struggles. This will help you get clearer on what you need to learn to accomplish the goal.

Another way to consider what you need to learn is to develop your self-awareness. If you haven’t done so yet, take a behavioral assessment (I can highly recommend one - try it for yourself) to identify your natural traits and strengths and where you may have blind spots. Consider asking for feedback from your work and personal network about what areas they believe you could improve on to be a more effective leader, colleague, or friend. The key is to identify what gaps exist between where you are right now and where you want to be to reach your goals. When that is clear, the path forward to learning begins.

Set learning goals

Now that you’ve got a clear picture of what you want to learn it’s time to start chopping it into achievable goals. These goal-setting tips are helpful guidelines when it comes down to developing learning goals:

  1. Write down the goals. You can start with a mind map or a brainstormed list and then cull down the list to achievable, bite-sized nuggets by breaking them down across the year or in alignment with the deadlines for your work or personal goals.
  2. Determine how to measure learning goal achievement. In keeping with the beginning with the end in mind concept, be sure your goal is measurable and that it will be evident once it’s achieved. Picture yourself having learned these new things and what it will feel like.
  3. Establish a deadline for achieving your learning goals. Take the time to plot them out across the year so you can organize and incorporate these into your planning routines.
  4. Identify obstacles to achieving the goals. It always helps to consider what could get in the way of your accomplishment. Look at vacation plans and holidays to be sure what you’ve set out to do is achievable in the time frame you’re aiming for.
  5. Review the list once more to be sure these goals will get you to your destination and then finalize it. Put your goals down in writing and incorporate them into your planning system.
  6. Establish an accountability plan - tell a friend or find an accountability partner or a learning partner to help you with the plan.

Get started

Once you’ve identified what you want to learn and your specific learning goals, it’s time to get started.  Think about how you’re going to go about learning and meeting your objectives. As you consider your learning path forward, determine how you best learn. Learning inventories are great, especially before you invest in a process that won’t work for you, like putting your credit card number down for an expensive online subscription that you’ll never use. We all learn differently. Some of us learn by watching others or reading about a subject. Some of us learn better by trial and error in the act of doing.  Your personal learning style should drive the path you choose to learn. There’s a great way to get started on understanding how you learn at

Once you’ve identified your unique learning style, it’s time to make a plan for how you’ll get there. If you’ve set lofty learning goals, get started with just one. You’ll feel such a sense of accomplishment just by signing up for that course, watching the YouTube video, or booking time with your colleague to get their help walking you through how to make that pivot table on your first monthly report. The key here is just get going.

Learn and adjust

One day I was reading a book that I realized I didn’t like at all. Well into adulthood by then, I had one of those Aha moments where I realized that I had made a personal choice to read the book and that nobody was forcing me to finish it. Not one to typically give up on a goal once I’d set it, it was a complete breakthrough moment to realize I could change my mind and just discard the book. There have been lots of unfinished books in my life since then. And movies too.

The same can be for setting out to learn new things or the ways you’ve chosen to go about learning them. The key point in this phase is to embrace your learning style and adjust if needed. You may end up hating that subscription to MasterClass or decide that you can’t learn in big groups. It’s okay to adjust the plan. It’s also possible that you have established a learning goal that’s not going to get you to the end objective or isn’t something that’s a priority for you to learn anymore. Maybe something in life has come up that’s requiring you to change your goals or learning plans. Learning from your experiences and reviewing what’s working and what’s not is an important step to be sure you’re getting to your ultimate objective. Incorporate a process check throughout your learning path to be sure you’re still on the right track.


It’s likely that you’ve set some lofty goals for yourself this year. Too often we wait to celebrate a finished product and not all the small successes along the way. If 2022 is like the past two years, and I think we’re all concerned it might be, we’re going to need some things to cheer about. As you set out to design and implement your learning plan and achieve goals, make sure you take the time to celebrate throughout the process; don’t wait until the end of 2022. If you followed the steps laid out so far, you broke your goals down into achievable milestones and plotted them out on a calendar and/or into your planning system. You’ll have a path to review your progress, so as you realize achievement on key milestones, make sure that you take the time to reward yourself and celebrate these milestones.

Michelangelo once said, “The greater danger for most of us isn’t that our aim is too high and miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”  Abigail Adams said, “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended with diligence.”

As you jump into 2022, I hope you’ll join me in aiming high with intentional learning, and that it gets you to where you want to be at the end of this year. And even if some adjustments are made throughout the year, I hope we all end up enjoying the learning process and take time to celebrate along the way.

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