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How Behavioral Assessments Reduce Employee Turnover

July 26, 2019

By: Omnia Group
Last Updated on June 6, 2023

Bye-Bye, Turnover! How Behavioral Assessments Can Slash Employee Turnover 

Employee turnover can be an insidious plague that siphons away resources and disrupts the very core of a business's foundation. Too dramatic? Maybe, but employee turnover is certainly a problem for many businesses, and retaining top talent can be a daunting challenge.  

There are many factors that can influence an employee's decision to stay or leave their job, such as job satisfaction, compensation, career advancement opportunities, work-life balance, and company culture. Balancing these factors while keeping employees engaged and motivated can be difficult, especially in a competitive job market where top talent is highly sought after by other companies, including your competitors. 

But one tool that businesses can use to combat this problem is a behavioral assessment. Using behavioral assessments can provide a baseline layer of data that employers can use to complement their selection and retention activities. 

Let’s delve into how behavioral assessments can help reduce turnover and improve overall employee retention rates.

What is a Behavioral Assessment? 

Behavioral assessments are pre-employment and post-employment testing mechanisms that identify an individual's behavioral inclinations and personality traits. The Omnia Assessment is a quick, accurate, and user-friendly psychometric tool that measures 4 personality dimensions – assertiveness, sociability, pace, and structure, along with perspective (professional maturity) and intensity (degree of the trait). The Omnia behavioral assessment is designed to predict an individual's workplace behavior based on their self-reported personality tendencies. Our clients often use these assessments to discern which candidates are best suited to their open positions, company culture, and work environment.

What Are Some Advantages of Using a Behavioral Assessment? 

  1. A primary advantage of behavioral assessments is their ability to identify candidates that fit seamlessly into a job role and workplace culture. There is a strong correlation between a good fit and reducing turnover rates. Employees who feel that they mesh well with the company culture are more likely to be satisfied with their job and less likely to resign. For example, a candidate who scores high on the cooperation trait in a behavioral assessment may be more suitable for a company or department that values collaboration and teamwork, compared to a candidate who scores low.

  2. Behavioral assessments can help identify potential issues before they arise. For instance, if a candidate scores low on Omnia’s perspective trait, they may be prone to stress in the workplace. If a company knows this ahead of time, it can take steps to assist the employee in managing their stress levels, such as providing additional support or training. By proactively addressing potential issues, employers can reduce turnover and keep their employees satisfied and engaged.

  3. Behavioral assessments can also be instrumental in identifying candidates who are likely to stay with the company long-term. For example, a candidate who scores high on the stability trait may be more dependable and committed. Such employees are less likely to leave the company, which can save businesses time and money on recruitment and training costs.

  4. Behavioral assessments can assist employers in pinpointing employees who possess the skills and qualities necessary for leadership roles. A candidate who scores high on the assertiveness trait may be more inclined to take charge and make decisions in a leadership role. Identifying potential leaders early on can help the company nurture them for future leadership roles, reducing turnover by providing clear career paths for employees. 

When searching for a candidate to groom for a future leadership or advanced position, it's important to consider their work style, culture fit, and natural talents. Some workers may struggle with organization and require guidance in prioritizing tasks, while others are self-starters who can hit the ground running. Additionally, it's crucial to assess whether the candidate will fit in with your corporate culture, particularly if it's relaxed and informal. Finally, if you need a problem solver who can take charge and deliver results, a behavioral assessment can help identify individuals with the necessary natural talents. 

How Do You Find the Right Fit? 

It should never be about just filling positions. You want to find the right people. The right people will be more likely to stay and take your team to the next level. So, how do you ensure you're bringing in the cream of the crop? 

  • Consider work style.

    Do you need someone who can take charge and work independently? Or maybe you're after a team player who can collaborate and prioritize with ease. Don't settle for anything less than a perfect match. Putting a take-charge, independent personality into a support role is likely to lead to turnover of that position far sooner than you want.

  • Think about culture fit.

    That candidate might look great in a 3-piece suit, but is that how your organization rolls? If your office is a laid-back, flip-flop-wearing paradise, make sure you're hiring someone who can hang loose and keep up. And more importantly, employees are more likely to be engaged, committed to their work, and inclined to stay if they feel that their values and goals align with the organization’s values and goals.   

    Through the use of personality assessments, you can build a workplace culture that values authenticity, self-awareness, and personal growth. Omnia’s goal is to give organizations information they can use to create a workplace where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued; where diversity and inclusivity are celebrated; and where individuals are empowered to reach their full potential. By leveraging the power of personality data, we believe that we can help companies build stronger, more successful teams…teams that want to stay.

  • Don't forget about natural talent.

    If you are hiring a leader, you want someone who can swoop in, take charge, and solve problems like a boss. Behavioral assessments can help identify these unicorns. With all the right tools, including your own instincts, you are sure to hire for fit more often than not. 


Why Are Companies Missing Out on the Magic of Behavioral, Pre-Employment Assessments? 

  1. They could be stuck in old-school hiring traditions. Sure, they've been testing typing speed, math skills, and critical thinking for ages, but what about the most important factor: personality?

    Using behavioral assessments during the hiring process can help companies identify candidates who have the right personality traits for the job and the company's culture. These assessments can measure a wide range of traits, such as adaptability, emotional intelligence, and work ethic. By incorporating these assessments into their hiring process, companies can increase the likelihood of finding candidates who will be a good fit for the company culture, which can reduce turnover rates and improve overall employee satisfaction.

  2. Some companies may lack a clear vision. They may not have taken the time to develop an employee persona that aligns with their goals. Just as there's a buyer persona, there's also an employee persona waiting to be uncovered. 

BONUS: Tips for Developing an Employee Persona 

  1. Define the job or role.
    Start by defining the specific job or role that you want to create an employee persona for. This will help you identify the skills, experience, and personality traits that are necessary for success in that position.

  2. Gather data.
    Collect information about the job or role, including job descriptions, performance metrics, and feedback from current employees and supervisors.

  3. Conduct research.
    Conduct research on the industry, market trends, and competitors to gain a better understanding of the skills and qualities that are in high demand.

  4. Identify key traits.
    Use the data and research to identify the key skills, experience, and personality traits that are necessary for success in the job or role.

  5. Create the persona.
    Use the identified traits to create a detailed profile of the ideal employee for the job or role. This should include information such as their job experience, education, skills, work style, and personality. This information will make it easier throughout the entire selection process. 

  6. Refine and update.
    Refine and update the employee persona as needed, based on feedback from current employees and changes in the job market or industry. 

If you're up for the task, you can do the research yourself and identify the traits that make your best employees shine. But let's be realistic; you have a business to run. So why not let us work our magic and put together a pre-employment assessment that will help you find the perfect fit for your team? Don't miss out on the potential of these powerful tools — give your hiring process the upgrade it deserves. 

Even though we are a behavioral assessment firm, it’s important to emphasize that behavioral assessments are just one component of reducing employee turnover. They should be used in conjunction with other hiring practices, such as interviews, reference checks, and skills assessments, as well as other retention strategies, like recognition and engagement programs. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that behavioral assessments are utilized fairly and consistently across all candidates to avoid bias or discrimination. 

In the end, it's all about balance. Use data and assessments to inform your decision-making, but don't forget to rely on your experience and intuition. With a little bit of luck and a lot of smarts, you'll have a superstar team in no time. 

Long story short, behavioral assessments are a potent tool that businesses can use to combat employee turnover. They can help identify candidates that are a good fit for the company culture, anticipate potential issues before they become problems, identify employees who are likely to stay long-term, and pinpoint potential leaders. By using behavioral assessments in the hiring process, employers can reduce turnover rates, save resources on recruitment and training, and cultivate satisfied and engaged employees. 


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Omnia Group

For over 30 years, we’ve helped organizations across the world improve and optimize their workforce operations and company cultures. While we take a unique, scientific approach to hiring, development and retention, we also believe every business is a people business. Our passionate advisors always put people first.

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