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Achieving Leadership Mastery with Omnia: A Journey to the Heart of Effective Leadership

March 11, 2024

By: Keather Snyder

Effective leaders excel at inspiring and guiding their team to achieve common goals that ultimately create successful and sustaining businesses. The best leaders capture the hearts and minds of their people, building a culture of engaged and thriving performers. This is the magic of great leadership.

Celebrating our 39th anniversary this month, The Omnia Group has been helping organizations select and develop leaders through the power of our behavioral assessment since our inception. Successful leadership begins with self-awareness, particularly understanding one's own personality traits and the unique traits of everyone on the team. Here’s how we do it.


Effective leadership begins with understanding who you are and how you are wired. Self-awareness forms the foundation of effective leadership. By understanding your personality traits, you gain insights into your unique leadership strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and tendencies. This self-awareness enables you to make informed decisions about how to lead and interact with others.

The Omnia Assessment takes just 10 minutes to complete. It’s packed with valuable insights into your distinctive traits. It helps you understand what may or may not be effective for you in your leadership role, gives valuable information on what motivates or demotivates you, and actionable take aways to help you develop, leverage, and execute your primary strengths.

Team Dynamics

Successful leaders must be able to manage and motivate diverse teams. Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against us when it comes to engaging our teams. Our annual 2024 Omnia Talent Survey Trends Report sighted that employee engagement is at an all-time low.

Understanding your personality traits and those of your team members allows you to tailor your leadership approach accordingly. Recognizing and appreciating different personality types, and adapting your style to match the preferences of the individuals on your team creates a more inclusive and harmonious work environment that leads to improved engagement.

Once you’ve gained insight into your own traits and strengths, you can use Omnia development reports for all of your team members, and take advantage of a custom and comprehensive Team Dynamics report to understand where common strengths, synergies and dissimilarities exist. The most successful teams have a healthy distribution of varied personality traits and respect these differences. With Omnia insights, you gain valuable perspective and actional information to leverage every team member’s strength.


Effective communication is essential for building trust and fostering collaboration within teams. I’m a big fan of the Edelman Trust Barometer data that comes from their annual report, even though unfortunately, their data points to a declining rate of trust across the globe when it comes to employee trust in their leaders.

Your personality traits influence how you communicate and interact with others. Consistent interactions and adapting your communications to individual preferences helps improve trust over time. For instance, if you're more assertive, but you have people on your team who are more cautious or risk averse, then you know you need to consciously strive to listen more and be sure to engage team members in different ways. Some prefer more frequent 1x1meetings while others crave team settings and brainstorming.

The key is to be sure everyone's voice is heard. If you have people on your team who prefer to process information independently, it’s best to seek out their feedback in written form or in individual meetings, rather than putting them on the spot in front of their peers. Knowing this about yourself and adapting your communications to the individual preferences of your team will go a long way in improving communications and building trust over time.


Leaders are often tasked with making critical decisions under pressure. Your personality traits shape how you process information and approach decision-making. Knowing your tendencies can help you make more balanced and objective decisions by considering various perspectives and data points.

The Omnia assessment not only uncovers behavioral traits, it also helps determine the quality of an individual’s behavior (what we call Perspective). This gets to the heart of decision making. For example, are you appropriately assertive and competitive? Or more reckless or confrontational? Are you measured and methodical, or might you be stubborn? Knowing your blind spots helps you identify where you need to shore up your own approach and when to ask for help.

I can speak firsthand to this one – as I struggle with a higher perspective which means I tend to over think decisions. Colleagues over the years have rightly chided me and my foot-dragging or reluctance to land the plane, especially when the decision involves a major budget investment, strategic change or impacts an employee’s compensation. Everyone on my team has permission to push me along and help me make tough decisions. And that helps a lot!

Conflict Resolution

Often when I’m speaking in front of a group, I like to start with asking them how many of them have recently dealt with a conflict at work. Invariably everyone in the room raises their hands. Conflict is a natural part of any team dynamic. However, how you handle conflicts can make or break team morale and productivity. Understanding your personality traits enables you to navigate conflicts more effectively by recognizing your own triggers and biases. It also allows you to approach conflicts with empathy and diplomacy, facilitating constructive resolution.

Personality traits can influence how individuals respond to conflict emotionally. Some people may have a high tolerance for stress and remain composed under pressure, while others may become easily overwhelmed or defensive. By understanding these differences, you can approach conflict situations with greater empathy and awareness, helping to de-escalate emotions, promote constructive dialogue and ultimately resolve the conflict, while maintaining the health of the team.


In today's fast-paced and constantly evolving work environment, adaptability is key to leadership success. Your personality traits influence how you respond to change and uncertainty. By knowing your tendencies, you can proactively develop strategies for adapting your leadership approach to address evolving circumstances and challenges. You can be even more effective adapting your style when you know your team’s traits,  workstyles, preferred problem solving and communication preferences.

Knowing your personality traits is not just a self-discovery exercise; it's a fundamental aspect of effective leadership. By leveraging your strengths and understanding your communication style, you can navigate team dynamics and manage conflicts more effectively, and ultimately unlock your full potential as a leader.

Embrace self-awareness, and you’ll be on the path to lead with authenticity, empathy, and impact. If you haven’t identified your unique leadership traits yet, get started today by taking advantage of our complimentary assessment. Our experts are available to debrief your unique leadership traits and help set you on the path to effective leadership.

Keather Snyder

Keather Snyder is President & Chief Operating Officer of The Omnia Group, a leader in helping organizations optimize their talent selection, development and company culture. She is dedicated to helping organizations drive results through the power of their people. Keather is also hugely passionate about developing our future generation of leaders and dedicates personal time to mentoring college age and early career professionals.

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