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The Omnia Group Celebrates its 38th Year by Partnering with Habitat for Humanity

March 20, 2023

By: Keather Snyder

March 2023 marks The Omnia Group’s 38th anniversary and our 38th year calling Tampa Bay our home. Those who live here know what a special, vibrant community the Tampa Bay area is. We always welcome opportunities to thank our neighbors for making this area so special by giving back in some way.

During the pandemic, our leadership team decided to select an organization that we could contribute to and support with a long-term commitment. We asked our employees to tell us what issue/cause made their hearts sing or ache, and we received close to a unanimous response about concerns for the homeless or unhoused.

We reviewed our options, and because of the important work Habitat for Humanity does in building and strengthening our community, we were eager to partner with the Hillsborough County chapter when the chance arose. They have a local and active presence and a great reputation, and they were one of the organizations that had very little overhead, where donations and work go directly to those who need the benefit, which was really important to us. The leadership team spent a lot of time reviewing various charities looking to avoid ones that had huge overhead with executive salaries and administration fees or were on the toxic charity list. Habitat lived up to its excellent reputation and stood high and above many others.

Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit organization that seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness. It works by partnering with community businesses, volunteers, and recipient families to build safe, decent, and affordable housing. Habitat for Humanity believes in providing “a hand up, not a handout.” The organization also works as advocates to change existing systems and policies which create barriers to safe and affordable housing.

For the past two years, the Omnia Group has donated a portion of our annual profits with a cash donation to Habitat that we send on behalf of our clients (we no longer send a corporate gift to clients), and we are now committed to doing more of these local builds and home preservation programs as an opportunity to get our remote team together where we can bond, put in hard labor together, and leave the day feeling like we’ve made a difference.

When most people think of Habitat for Humanity, they think of its work building new homes for deserving families in need of decent housing. That is their main mission, but did you know Habitat also helps with repairs and restorations?  The Home Preservation Program partners with homeowners and community volunteers and uses donated materials to help eligible homeowners live more independently and securely in their homes. In addition to working alongside volunteers (sweat equity), homeowners repay some of the costs, allowing the program to serve other members of the community. The program is currently open to area veterans only, although there may be additional availability starting next January.

It was a Home Preservation project that brought Omnia’s ten-member team of employees and their family members together with an area veteran and his wife bright and early on the first Saturday of March.

Omnia Habitat for Humanity before

After meeting the Habitat for Humanity representatives and learning the mission (painting the home’s exterior and trim, raking leaves, and helping to remove debris from the yard), the team got to work.

The Omnia team had the opportunity to work closely with the homeowners and get to know them. They also learned new skills, leveraged their existing skills, enjoyed the beautiful Tampa weather, got a great work out, and earned an excellent night’s sleep!

Eager to get the job done, many were able and happy to stay beyond the end of the 2:30 pm scheduled end time to see the finished product.

Naomi Viglas, Sales and Marketing Coordinator, who also coordinated the event, said “I think one of the most special things about participating in a Habitat for Humanity project is getting to work alongside the people who are benefiting from the program. The experience is both rewarding and humbling. Everyone should try to participate at least once.”

Tony Curtachio, volunteer and Omnia’s IT Application and Systems Administrator, found it gratifying to be able to help a veteran by making his family home and property more enjoyable.

The Omnia Group has been honored to take part in a number of wonderful volunteer opportunities from toy drives, shoe drives, harvest gleaning, and mentoring. All have been rewarding, but volunteering with Habitat for Humanity was such a remarkable experience, we hope to repeat it soon.

If you are interested in getting involved with Habitat for Humanity of Hillsborough County, you can visit their website at or go to to find a local branch and  learn more about their programs, volunteer opportunities, and ways to donate.


Keather Snyder

Keather Snyder is President & Chief Operating Officer of The Omnia Group, a leader in helping organizations optimize their talent selection, development and company culture. She is dedicated to helping organizations drive results through the power of their people. Keather is also hugely passionate about developing our future generation of leaders and dedicates personal time to mentoring college age and early career professionals.

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