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Solving the Employee Engagement Puzzle: 6 Ways to Redefine Employee Engagement with Holistic HR Solutions

January 29, 2024

By: Keather Snyder

Only one-third of your employees are engaged, according to Gallup’s employee engagement indicator. Employee engagement has remained a critical trend, and as we begin 2024, organizations are realizing they must prioritize employee experience.

Our partner PuzzleHR aims to revolutionize the employee experience. Offering a comprehensive suite of custom HR solutions, from Managed HR to Talent Acquisition and everything in between, they redefine how businesses approach engagement. We’ve invited PuzzleHR’s Simone Timol as a guest author for this week’s blog to share their holistic approach to helping organizations improve their employee experience.

1. Plan for Progress

With 56% of HR professionals reporting that their organization lacks a succession plan and 39% of employers set to focus on internal mobility in 2024, your organization must stay ahead by keeping processes streamlined and employees upskilled.

Without a solid succession plan, organizations risk operational disruptions and declining engagement. Planning adequately for these challenges can make or break employee engagement. Succession plans help ensure leadership continuity, reduce uncertainty among employees, and enhance morale through clear career paths.

PuzzleHR’s professionals are prepared to guide you through the many complexities of human resources, including performance management. Performance management strategies that discuss professional development promote a productive work environment.

2. Ensure Accuracy and Trust

Payrollan essential yet stressful task. Efficient payroll processing creates a foundation of trust between an organization and its employees, but because payroll errors have become routine, many employees lack trust in their companies. Ernst & Young found that, on average, 1/5 of company payrolls contain errors, costing $291 per error and 29 weeks per year to correct.

Consistent, accurate paychecks show employees your organization’s appreciation of their work and your commitment to fair compensation, while errors breed mistrust and dissatisfaction, leading to turnover and disengagement.

PuzzleHR treats payroll as a vital component of the employee experience, taking the stress off your shoulders. Managed Payroll solutions ensure accurate and timely payroll processing, allowing you and your employees to focus on your core responsibilities. Without the stress of payroll errors, employees can build a sense of confidence in their employer.

3. Prioritize Employee Well-Being

Benefits are one of the most important parts of the employee experience. Many workers choose their jobs based on benefits, with 49% of surveyed employees leaving jobs due to a lack of work-life balance and 42% leaving to seek better benefits. Navigating employee benefits can be daunting, with employees feeling confused about offerings and open enrollment becoming stressful with its looming deadlines. PuzzleHR's Managed Benefits solution simplifies benefits with a team of experts to guide you through the entire process.

A comprehensive and well-managed benefits program serves as a powerful tool for fostering employee engagement. Programs that support work-life balance increase productivity, well-being, and retention.

Benefits programs show employees their organization cares about their wellness, increasing job satisfaction and loyalty. Benefits experts can guide you in selecting the right provider and managing the plan effectively, ensuring your employees get the most out of their benefits.

4. Find the Perfect Fit

Finding the right talent can drive an organization's success, but many organizations lack the personnel or budget to fund a fully equipped talent acquisition team. This leaves employees who are tasked with hiring overwhelmed, as 23% of talent professionals experienced burnout and other mental health concerns in 2023. Implementing effective talent acquisition strategies ensures that your organization always secures the best talent, boosting employee engagement from the onset.

A strong talent acquisition program fills current vacancies, adjusts for future needs through strategic planning, and selects candidates based on their skills and alignment with the organization. This empowers you to make better hiring decisions, guaranteeing that each role finds its ideal fit. By building effective teams, you foster a collaborative and productive work environment, which significantly boosts engagement. PuzzleHR’s Talent Acquisition team does the hard work for you — sourcing, interviewing, and hiring candidates that meet your needs.

5. Create a Culture of Continuous Education

As technology advances and new skills become important, continuous learning proves vital. Using a comprehensive learning management system and customizing learning programs ensures you meet your team where they are to cultivate a culture of learning.

Providing employees with learning and development opportunities equips them with necessary skills and demonstrates an investment in their growth and success. TalentLMS found that 76% of employees report being more likely to stay with a company offering continuous learning opportunities, indicating an increase in engagement and retention among learning-focused organizations.

Effective learning and development programs work with your participants, utilizing a variety of educational methods and research-based approaches to adult learning to build skills and engage employees in their career progression. Also, enhanced Learning Management Systems make it easy to stay up to date with compliance trainings. Engage a team of experts to work closely with your organization to design the ideal learning program for you.

6. Continuously Track Engagement

Employees are excited to share their thoughts, feelings, and opinions with their organizations. 83% of employees would participate in an employee listening program, according to IBM, who also found that such programs are associated with higher organizational performance and reputation.

Leveraging employee surveys allows businesses to tap into the pulse of their workforce, gaining valuable insights into their sentiments, needs, and expectations. Surveys provide a platform for employees to voice their needs and allow for open communication. Analyzing survey results and implementing changes based on employee feedback ensures employees feel valued and demonstrates a commitment to the employee experience.

PuzzleHR’s Index Survey anonymously gathers input from clients’ staff, identifying areas of excellence and improvement in the categories of Talent Management, Total Rewards, Culture and Engagement, Performance Management, and Learning and Development. The data fuels personalized strategies and vital organizational enhancements implemented by the clients’ dedicated HR experts to increase engagement, retention, and satisfaction.

Employee behavioral assessments are becoming a pivotal tool for organizations to enhance their overall employee experience. PuzzleHR and Omnia have teamed together to incorporate the Omnia Behavioral Assessment into PuzzleHR’s proprietary Index Survey for engagement to help you put the entire picture together to solve the HR puzzle and improve employee experience.

“We’ve seen the Omnia assessment platform be transformative for our internal team dynamics and that of our clients as well,” says Chris Timol, President/COO of PuzzleHR. “Omnia has been a game-changer in understanding and leveraging unique talents, fostering a culture of continuous development that benefits our clients as much as it does us.” These assessments not only reveal the inherent strengths of a team but also highlight areas where growth and development are needed, enabling organizations to create tailored programs to enhance employee experience and drive business results.


PuzzleHR believes in the transformational power of the HR department. That’s why they provide the resources that turn HR departments into profit centers. Our Omnia Team is proud to partner with PuzzleHR. They work with clients from various industries to create custom solutions for any HR puzzle, and their experts bring innovative ideas and fresh perspectives while addressing your employees’ skills and needs to enhance their overall experience, boosting engagement for your organization’s success.


To learn more, visit PuzzleHR’s website or get started with our a complimentary behavioral assessment.

Keather Snyder

Keather Snyder is President & Chief Operating Officer of The Omnia Group, a leader in helping organizations optimize their talent selection, development and company culture. She is dedicated to helping organizations drive results through the power of their people. Keather is also hugely passionate about developing our future generation of leaders and dedicates personal time to mentoring college age and early career professionals.

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