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Jamie Morlock
Client Development Director
Omnia personality: The Visionary
As a Client Development Director at The Omnia Group, I take pride in helping organizations optimize their talent selection and grow and inspire their workforce. I’m a tall column 1 with an orientation toward driving results. I’m hugely passionate about working with clients across the country and driving much of Omnia’s new business growth.

I’ve been in the sales world for more than 15 years and understand all aspects of the client lifecycle. I’ve also worked with many organizations on compliance matters such as ERISA and COBRA. I am personally involved with many national and local associations such as WIM- Woman in Manufacturing, BAMA- Bay Area Manufacturing Association, FBA- Florida Banker’s Association, CUES – Credit Union Executives Society and The CEO Council of Tampa Bay.

My goals are to always learn and grow more as an individual and a professional. You can usually find me and my son trying a new dish (foodies) or out enjoying nature.

I have a broadcasting degree from the Connecticut School of Broadcasting.
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