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Cynthia Brooks
Senior Customer Success Manager
Omnia personality: The Administrator
I’ve had many roles at Omnia in my 20 years, first as an assessment analyst, then as a benchmarking specialist, and now on the customer success team. Before Omnia, I worked for a behavioral healthcare center as a case manager.

I love applying my interest in people and communication in my work here at Omnia. I enjoy developing relationships with clients, helping them solve problems, and providing education.

I grew up in the middle of an orange grove in Florida and now reside in the Tampa Bay area with my husband, daughter, and a scruffy terrier named Foxy. In my personal time, I enjoy nature walks, photography, making art, and reviewing books in the Omnia book club. And as you can see, I also appreciate an Oxford comma.

I hold a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of South Florida with a minor in sociology and additional studies in creative writing.
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