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Know Your Team to Lead Your Team

As a leader, you are expected to unlock your people's potential and guide them towards success. Getting to know your team on a deep level can take years of discussion and observation. But, it doesn’t have to work that way. You can learn all you need to know quickly by using a behavioral assessment and put together a training program to guide them.

See how

The Poison that Kills a Team

It's not only about hiring a right manager, what happens if people are promoted or placed in positions where they manage others, but aren’t great leaders? Most often, bad managers can come deceivingly packaged as good ones. They may display what looks like desirable traits -- a friendly disposition, authoritative stance, accommodating attitude, and desire to succeed -- but none of these ensure management strategies that will be beneficial to a specific team. Read about the four mistakes every bad manager makes.

Read more




Watch the recording of our Q&A session for answers to questions such as:

? How can I be an effective ONLINE mentor?

? How do I deal with combative employees while acknowledging

      we're all under stress?

? What column on the Omnia report would you consider a

      "deal breaker"?

✊ What are the best ways for me, the leader, to manage different personalities among my team? And, many more.

Watch Recording

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