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Ready to Wrap Up Your 2022 Goals? Don’t Forget to Celebrate Your Successes

December 26, 2022

By: Jennifer Lucas

If you’re anything like me, the goals you set at the beginning of 2022 are the furthest thing from your mind at this point. For me, a new puppy, last-minute shopping, and the prospect of sixteen house guests has pushed any thoughts of my resolutions and goals way into the back of my consciousness. But the holidays are a time for celebration, and that makes it worthwhile to carve out some of our attention to review and appreciate how far we’ve all come.

Last January on our blog, we laid the groundwork for strong goal/resolution setting and follow through.

Omnia is big on self-reflection, so we opened the year by offering tips on how to use the power of self-reflection to shape goals and goal-achievement strategies that are perfectly tailored to the individual. The Power of Self-Reflection

Next, we talked about how to set SMART goals and plans for achieving them. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.3 Simple Rules for Reaching Your Goals

Then we took self-reflection a step further by explaining how to create a personal learning strategy by:

  1. Identifying your gaps
  2. Setting learning goals
  3. Getting going
  4. Learning and adjusting, and
  5. Celebrating!

Creating a Personal Learning Plan

Finally, we discussed ways of working around obstacles by taking tiny steps, reprioritizing, focusing on progress rather than perfection, paying yourself first (in time), and giving yourself grace. New Year's Resolutions - How's it going?

As 2022 comes to a close, it’s time to review your progress. Did you achieve your goals? Did you come close?

If so, congratulations!

Take time now to feel that well-earned sense of accomplishment. Give yourself the reward you promised yourself. Reflect on how your successes have improved your situation. Did you expand your skills? Did you move closer to your larger long-range goals? Did you establish new habits that will contribute to your overall well-being? That is amazing!

If you didn’t quite get there, congratulations, too! Any objective you set to improve your situation is going to yield positive results. You’ve learned what works and what doesn’t. You’ve possibly shifted your focus to something that’s more meaningful. You’ve taken steps and laid the groundwork for the future.

For the moment, forget your goals entirely. Don’t try to match what you did to what you said you’d do. Instead, just make a list of everything you have accomplished. This is something I had to do this year. I had set a couple of solid resolutions at the beginning of the year and created a realistic plan for achieving them. I was right on track, and then *WHAM* life forcefully (but happily) shoved me right onto a different track.

In the spring, our family was suddenly given an opportunity to relocate to my home state. This was something we had wanted for a while but hadn’t been able to find a clear path to it. Then, in the blink of an eye, everything lined up just so, and we were able to make it happen. I forgot all about those beginning-of-the-year goals and focused on a whole new set of objectives: selling our house, moving our belongings and four cats (I KNOW!), and resettling over a thousand miles away. We did it!  Now, at the end of the year, I have not achieved a single one of my resolutions, but wow… my family and I accomplished a LOT!

The point is: If you’re kicking yourself for not achieving your goals, now is a good time to look at what you did accomplish! You worked hard, cared for your family, dealt with the trials life sent your way. I have no doubt you succeeded in a hundred ways, even if those successes weren’t the same ones you were aiming for in January. Congratulate yourself. Give yourself a present – even if it is just a really long nap!

Speaking of celebrating goals, we have a few to celebrate here at Omnia:

We just concluded our third-party independent validation study! Because language evolves, the study identified a short list of adjectives from our checklist that needed to be “modernized.” Once those changes were made, we saw an increase in overall reliability of the tool to .93 for Part 1 and .94 for Part 2, meaning the assessment continues to be well above the .80 standard for reliability. Simply put, it means the tool continues to be a reliable measure of our 5 scales: assertiveness, sociability, pace, structure, and perspective. We also got some great data connecting our assertiveness scale to sales performance! Are we surprised? Not at all! But we are proud and pleased to continue to offer such a powerful yet simple tool to our customers.

We’re also preparing to launch our new 3-part, mobile-friendly assessment, which will make the assessment experience simpler and quicker for all candidates and participants, but just as powerful!

Finally, we’re wrapping up our 2nd Annual Talent Trends survey. With the information we gather, we’ll provide a realistic glimpse of changes in the talent landscape and provide actionable direction to address those changes and optimize your talent strategies. You still have time to add your voice — the survey closes on December 31.  Click here.

Happy New Year to you all! We look forward to 2023 and all it has to offer!

Jennifer Lucas

Jennifer originally joined The Omnia Group in 2005 as an analyst. After a brief stint away to work in project management and to start a family, her fascination with behavioral assessments pulled her back. She returned in 2011 as a member of the in-house analyst/project team. She writes and edits Custom Profiles, Targets, special projects, and articles. She enjoys being able to provide guidance to build effective, productive teams and help find strong matches for both clients and candidates.

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