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The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace

March 8, 2016

By: Omnia Group

The data are in. Diverse teams are more innovative, productive, and better at problem-solving than homogenous teams. Is there anyone still debating the importance of diversity in the workplace? Probably not, but head knowledge doesn’t always translate into action. Why do so many employers struggle with diversity in the workplace?

Diversity in the New Millennium

Diversity in the new millennium covers differences: race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ethnicity, marital status, caretaker status, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, and gender identity are just for starters.

For example, in more recent years, we’ve become aware that the way people approach to conflict, process outside stimuli (i.e., extroversion versus introversion), and view the cup as half empty or half full all impact our ability to work together effectively.

Managing Diversity

By default, if not by design, then our workplaces are already diverse and becoming more diverse every day. The Pew Research Center is only one agency predicting a larger and more varied U.S. population in the years to come. These demographic shifts will naturally continue to affect the workforce. But realizing the benefits of a diverse workforce can’t happen by accident. Like any other aspect of a business, diversity must be managed.

Case in point. Since we know diverse teams perform better, managing diversity would create workplace teams, taking care that differences are represented.

Another way would be to review how talent is developed within your organization carefully. It’s natural for each of us to gravitate toward those who remind us of ourselves in some way. However, is it possible this tendency is interfering with more effective and equitable ways of grooming leadership within your organization?

Finally, are your hiring processes helping you further your diversity goals? It’s not uncommon for employers to discover that their regular means of sourcing talent (e.g., personal referrals, advertisements in familiar venues, headhunters at familiar agencies, and so on) aren’t producing qualified diverse candidates. Instead, different recruiting methods will be needed to bring about a different result.

Your Customers are Watching

Whatever you’re selling, odds are another company is selling it, too. Of course, what that means is that the way you position your product, including the corporate “face” you show to your customers is key.

As advertisers have known for quite a while now, the decision to buy and from whom is often emotional. All other things being equal (such as price, quality, and availability), products that appeal to a more diverse customer base will be more popular than those that don’t because people want to purchase from a company that makes them feel seen.

Companies that project themselves as diverse are also perceived as more fair, progressive, and innovative. Who wouldn’t want that?

Diversity versus Inclusion

That said, it’s not enough to hire a few people who are “different” and call it a day. Instead, employers must work hard at creating an inclusive environment.

Inclusion is the process of making employees feel “a part of” the organization. In inclusive companies, communication is open and transparent, and employees feel heard and respected.

Nearly all employees, regardless of personal characteristics, desired to feel included. It’s no wonder, then, that diversity without inclusion is a losing proposition leading to morale, engagement, productivity, and retention issues.

So while workplace diversity most definitely matters, what matters, even more, is that employers manage the diversity for best results.

Your employees, your customers, and your shareholders are counting on it.

Omnia Group

For over 30 years, we’ve helped organizations across the world improve and optimize their workforce operations and company cultures. While we take a unique, scientific approach to hiring, development and retention, we also believe every business is a people business. Our passionate advisors always put people first.

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