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Have you ever thought to yourself, “I don’t think I can do (insert task here). I just don’t have the natural abilities for that”? I know I have. In fact, just recently I was lamenting to some colleagues about a challenging assignment I worked on and how I struggled because I just wasn’t “wired” to do it.

My fixed mindset added to the difficulty of the situation, and it made me feel defeated before I even started. Similarly, when leadership operates with a fixed mindset for their organization — working under the assumption that people’s intelligence and abilities are static and unlikely to change — it can cause management to overlook some job applicants for hiring or certain employees for projects simply because they do not already possess the hard skills or experience. This can cause a company to miss out on potentially stellar performance and outstanding contributors who just need the opportunity to shine.

Growth mindset to the rescue!

Growth mindset, a term coined by psychologist Carol Dweck, refers to believing that one is not constricted or limited by innate characteristics but that they can learn, improve, and (like the name says) grow. Leaders who foster a growth mindset within their company are apt to focus on people’s potential to grow rather than confining them to certain tasks or positions based on their current abilities.

Additionally, a growth mindset encourages managers to assess employee performance based on effort and creativity, not solely output. They allow individuals to come up with new ideas, give them the freedom to try them out, and don’t penalize them if the ideas do not work out.

When companies put a growth mindset into practice, they can see benefits like:

Transitioning from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset takes intentionality and commitment from top leadership. And you cannot force every employee to adopt a growth mindset about themselves, especially if they’ve been viewing their abilities with a fixed mindset for a long time. Because of the many benefits a business and its employees can experience, though, here are some tangible ways to start fostering a growth mindset within your organization and among your staff:

1. Focus on Internal Talent Before Hiring from the Outside

No, I’m not talking about quiet hiring but rather proactively looking for opportunities to coach and develop employees to move into new positions — either those roles that need to be filled immediately or looking ahead at career succession planning. Take notice of people who demonstrate a desire to learn or to take on new challenges and give them the chance to broaden their knowledge and skills. This brings us to…

2. Invest in Learning & Development and Employee Upskilling

With the lack of professional development being a major reason why employees leave their jobs, it’s vital for businesses to prioritize the development and advancement of their employees. People want to stay with companies who believe in their ability to take on new responsibilities or move up within the business and who offer the training necessary to do so. Recognizing the potential in your employees and offering them opportunities to live up to that potential increases employee engagement and retention.

3. Understand What Makes Your Employees Tick

It’s a great thing to show that you believe in your people by offering coaching, mentoring, and training. But giving opportunities that align with your employees’ natural behaviors is the icing on the cake. Sending a very low-key, conflict-avoidant person (tall column 2 on the Omnia Assessment) to sales training is not likely to result in that person becoming an aggressive, competitive, tall column 1 sales machine — no matter how much encouragement you give them. And in reality, it might backfire in a big way. (Speaking as a highly cautious, risk-adverse person myself, that scenario reads like the stuff of nightmares.)

Knowing how to target each employee’s growth is vital, and using employee development assessments, like Omnia’s Professional Development Report, can help you uncover the individual behaviors and motivators that drive each person on your staff. Coaching a cautious team player toward sales or other risky roles might not work but knowing that this person thrives when helping others can point you in the direction of growing their service skills, promoting them into a senior customer account manager position, and eventually advancing them into a team lead who mentors colleagues and helps them to grow their own skills.

Omnia is in the business of not just helping businesses hire right the first time but also helping them ensure their employees are engaged, productive, and continually developing (just look at our tagline!) Contact us today to find out all the ways we can help you grow your mindset — and your team.

You may cringe when you hear the term “codependent relationship” because the phrase has negative connotations. But, while codependency may cause poor team dynamics and productivity disruptions, it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, codependent employees can be incredible assets to your company with a bit of attention and guidance from you. Let’s explore how.

Defining Codependency

Before we get into management strategies, let’s set a working definition of codependency. For our purposes, codependency is the deeply ingrained compulsion to do anything possible to maintain a positive relationship with another party — even at the expense of one’s own needs. Therefore, a codependent employee is someone who prioritizes people-pleasing over all else.

Unfortunately, this craving to be validated and needed by others can be problematic. The tendency may annoy or alienate coworkers. It can also tank the codependent employee’s career. At its worst, it may result in the employee completely losing their sense of self, which can lead to depression, anxiety, and workplace outbursts.

Codependents thrive on feeling like they are being helpful. But, the truth is, they often inadvertently sabotage the person they’re intertwined with, themselves, or both.

What Codependency Looks Like in the Workplace

Not sure if you’ve seen codependency in the office? Here’s what it might look like:

Codependent on a Coworker

When your employee is codependent on a coworker, they may:

Codependent on a Manager

When your employee is codependent on a manager (perhaps you!), they may:

Codependent employees may also take on the role of office mom or dad by organizing celebrations or bringing in treats for everyone.

Helping Codependent Employees

Left unchecked, a codependent employee can do a lot of damage in the workplace. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to help them thrive:

1. Validate When Appropriate

Codependents need to feel like they’re useful, helpful, and competent. So, when they do well in their role, you should take the time to praise and thank them for their efforts. Often, codependents perceive that they’re not doing enough or that their work is subpar, so they’ll appreciate the recognition.

2. Reciprocate Kindness

Codependents spend much of their time thinking about and tending to the needs of others, often ignoring their own wants. You can show them they are worthy of caring and consideration by reciprocating their good deeds. That could look like throwing them a birthday party, sending them flowers after a significant event, or bringing them one of their favorite treats.

Caution: Be sure to show the same kindness towards all of your team members to avoid the perception of favoritism.

3. Expand Responsibilities

Your codependent employee could have self-esteem issues and may not trust their abilities. You can help them move past their comfort zone by slowly expanding their responsibilities. Give them clear instructions on how to complete each new duty and be available to answer their questions.

When they complete the task correctly, praise them. When they miss the mark, offer support and additional guidance to help them succeed in their next attempt.

4. Enforce Policies

Your role as a manager is multi-faceted. Yes, you want to support and encourage your employees. But you also have to enforce company policies. Start by reminding your codependent employee about rules pertaining to break times, office gossip, and other expected behaviors. They may just need a refresher. But, if they don’t take the hint, utilize your company’s progressive discipline process as you would with any other team member.

5. Offer Resources

As a company leader, you can only do so much. You’re not a therapist. So, if your employee’s behavior becomes more disruptive or they’ve indicated that they may be having a mental health crisis, it’s appropriate to refer them to the firm’s employee assistance program (EAP) for professional guidance.

Where Omnia Comes In

We’ve developed an effective behavioral assessment to help you get to know your employees on a deeper level. Our fast, accurate personality inventory will yield insights into each team member’s work preferences, motivations, communication style, and more. With this data, you can feel more confident managing your workforce.

Our employee behavioral assessment results enable you to effectively communicate with, motivate, recognize, teach, and lead everyone on your team — including your codependent employee. That way, you can help them mitigate the adverse effects of their codependency and excel in their careers.

Try a complimentary assessment to see the results for yourself!

With the high cost of employee turnover, there is never a good time to lose someone on your team. But with the Great Resignation or Great Reshuffle (depending on who you ask), it feels more critical than ever to hold onto your employees. This is especially true if you have directly felt the effects of this latest labor challenge, either by having staff leave or by struggling to find qualified (or any) applicants for a new position.

You may be so focused on holding on to employees that you hesitate to address performance problems or cringe when you have to introduce a new goal or procedure. What if that is the last straw for someone? Now is not the time to be tough – it’s the time to be everyone’s favorite manager, right?

It might be tempting to tiptoe around issues and put off difficult discussions in the hopes that things work themselves out. Here’s the problem with that strategy: things rarely work themselves out.

Not being transparent about what’s happening in the company and department can lead to confusion and disengagement.

Not dealing with performance shortfalls often has ripple effects. Other employees may see that standards are lax and follow suit. Or other, better, employees will have to pick up the slack, feel taken advantage of and leave; after all, there are a lot of other opportunities out there for them. Now you’ve lost a great employee to avoid losing one that’s underperforming. Or you will have to do double the work, which sort of defeats the purpose of having the employee in the first place.

So, what can you do to keep managing confidently when you feel anything but confident about the situation?


Be an advocate:

A manager’s most challenging job is being a liaison between top leadership and employees. The leadership team may have ideas about processes/policy changes that should be made or targets that should be reached. Ideally, a company’s goals and plans will always be growth oriented and ambitious. Change is a necessary part of success, but the leadership team does not always have an exact picture of day-to-day operations. It’s the manager’s job to provide realistic information about what’s possible, not only in terms of what the employees are capable of, but in terms of what would turn an engaging, fulfilling career into pure drudgery and despair.

A manager should also be an advocate for pay, incentives and rewards for the team. You are the one who knows firsthand what your employees are worth, and you are the one who can help make sure that is what they are receiving.

Maximize talent:

No matter the hiring climate, there shouldn’t be a situation where your department will be sunk by one person leaving. Make sure every person has sufficient knowledge and training to cover an opening if needed. This has the benefit of increasing engagement by giving an avenue for growth to those who want one. Note: Maximizing talent does not mean doubling someone’s workload. This is about being ready to address a temporary situation.

Be prepared to start the hiring process before you need to:

Make sure your job postings, job descriptions, and training materials are up to date. Research the market and confirm your proposed salary ranges and benefits are competitive. As amazing a manager as you are, you can’t control everything. People retire, relocate, develop new interests, or encounter new opportunities. Also, if you’re not currently hiring but just barely keeping your head above water staffing wise, it might be time to start hunting for candidates now.

And yes, address those performance problems:

If you have communicated expectations and they are not being met by someone on your team, there is no alternative but to deal with it. Discuss the concern, explore the reasons for it, and come up with an improvement plan. Make sure you are following up and holding the performer accountable. This could absolutely lead to the loss of an employee, either via resignation or termination. And of course, this is a terrible time for that to happen. But it is a necessary part of leadership, no matter what the latest labor-related challenge is.

So, how should you be managing during the Great Resignation, Reshuffling or Re-whatever this is? Well, really, no differently than any other time. Your goals as a manager should always be to keep employees engaged, do what you can to reduce turnover, be fair, and communicate effectively. There are situations you can’t control, for example *gestures vaguely everywhere*. The one thing you or any of us can control is our own response. Be that favorite manager all the time, not by being a pushover but by being fair and dependable. And if you need help preparing to hire, assessing candidates, or tackling leadership issues, your Omnia Success team is here for you! Reach out any time for help navigating these or any other management challenges. We have tools to help you!

Your employees need guidance, encouragement, and feedback to perform at a high level. And as a leader, it’s your job to make sure your team members get those things consistently. One way you can deliver those essentials is through a mid-year review. Done well, the mid-year review is a low-stress meeting that provides clarity, renews motivation, and promotes employee wellness. Here’s how.

The Importance of Employee Wellness

Before we dive into the nuts and bolts of mid-year reviews, let’s examine the importance of employee wellness. Employee wellness is the degree to which employees succeed in various areas of their lives, such as health, career, relationships, and finances. It encompasses both personal and professional well-being.

When employees are well, everyone wins. Workers will be happier, more engaged, more productive, and more likely to stay with the organization. As a result, the company will enjoy less turnover, fewer recruiting expenses, greater output, and a healthier bottom line. It’s therefore in a firm’s best interest to make employee wellness a priority.

How Mid-Year Reviews Can Support Employee Wellness

A mid-year review is an informal meeting to check in with workers, track progress on goals, reestablish expectations, and offer guidance. The discussion shouldn't take on a disciplinary tone but rather provide encouragement and assistance to increase each team member’s chance of success. It can also help to support employee wellness if it’s used to:

Pro Tip: Think about what your boss could include in a mid-year review to make you better at what you do and happier at work. Then, be sure you feature those elements in the meetings you conduct with your team.

How to Conduct an Effective Mid-Year Review

Follow these steps to conduct an effective mid-year review:

  1. Set up the meeting in advance. That way, your employee has time to prepare.
  2. Be clear on the purpose of the meeting so that they don’t worry about being in trouble.
  3. Review documentation regarding their current goals and performance. Create an agenda for the meeting based on that information before the review occurs.
  4. Ask your team member for their thoughts on how the year is going to kick off the meeting. Use that insight to shape the conversation.
  5. Follow the agenda you created to ensure the key points get covered but allow the meeting to flow naturally based on your employee’s responses.
  6. Adjust goals as needed. Offer resources and support to make their jobs easier.
  7. Thank your employee for their contributions. Praise and reward them for their accomplishments.
  8. Summarize the main points of the conversation and thank your team member for their participation.
  9. Document the highlights of the review and share your notes with your employee promptly.
  10. Deliver any resources, assistance, or development opportunities you promised during the meeting as soon as possible.

Bonus step: Ask each team member how you can improve the mid-year review experience and incorporate their feedback when you conduct the next meeting.

8 Tips for Successful Mid-Year Reviews

Implement these best practices to ensure your mid-year reviews are successful:

Bonus tip: Provide ways for your employees to connect with each other to enhance camaraderie and teamwork.

How Informal Check-Ins Enhance Your Performance Management Process

We know we just spent an entire article discussing mid-year reviews. But the truth is that annual performance reviews and mid-year reviews don't provide enough feedback and support for your employees to thrive. You need to have frequent, casual check-ins with each member of your team in addition to those more official meetings.

Doing so will help you keep your finger on the pulse of how your workforce is doing. Plus, it will help you:

These check-ins don’t have to be fancy — they just have to happen. Make it a point to stop by each employee’s desk (or inbox if they’re working remotely) weekly and ask how things are going and how you can help.

How Omnia Can Help

Coaching your employees to achieve their full potential is essential for their well-being — and your company’s success. But, connecting with them on a deep enough level to do that can often seem daunting. That’s where we come in.

Our fast and easy behavioral assessment provides insights into each team member’s approach to work, communication style, preferences, and more. You’ll walk away with information you can use to personalize mid-year reviews and casual check-in conversations to each employee. Then, your chance of truly reaching them will skyrocket.

Plus, you can take the assessment yourself to better understand your leadership style. That way, you can ensure how you manage your team is in line with promoting their wellness — and peak performance.

Final Thoughts

When you prioritize employee wellness, your entire company will benefit. Conducting effective mid-year reviews and casual check-ins can help your firm promote both personal and professional well-being within your workplace.

Curious to see how Omnia can enhance your mid-year reviews, check-ins, and overall employee wellness? Try a complimentary assessment!


The turkey is carved, and you’re about to take your first decadent bite of apple sausage stuffing when your uncle asks, “So, how’s the job going?” All of a sudden, fork in midair, you feel a pit in your stomach and forget about the 4 glorious days off ahead of you. You inform Uncle Dale that you’ll have a new boss starting Monday. On the other side of town, another family is sitting down to their meal talking about how hard it was getting out of bed for the Turkey Trot again this year and dreaming of the day the Detroit Lions will finally shift the trajectory of their Thanksgiving game-day record. But one person at the table is oddly silent this year. All she can think about is starting that new leadership position on Monday.

Getting a new leader and taking over a new team is hard for everyone involved. The team members are worried about changes in their compensation, their responsibilities, their territories, and having to prove themselves all over again. The new leader is worried about whether they made the right decision and how quickly they can make an impact and prove it was the right choice for all concerned.

I’ve been in both seats of that holiday dinner over the years - thinking about a new boss starting or about taking on a new team. Having been on both sides of the equation many times, I’ve experienced what works well and what doesn’t. In this blog, I’ll share 6 strategies for engaging your new team members quickly and easing the concerns of all parties.

1. Get to Know Your Team 

Priority #1 as a new leader is to get to know everyone on your team. Make this the first thing you do before spending too much time with your own boss and other leaders. Everyone will have opinions and share advice on what you need to do. There will be plenty of time for that, but you need to understand your team quickly and key in on what matters to them. Set up 1x1’s with everyone on your team asking them to share:

These personal 1x1’s will go a long way in engaging your team and setting the tone for the culture you intend to build. Data shows that employees who feel heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to do their best work.

Take copious notes in these interviews; don’t lose them. I reference these meeting notes for annual goal setting, performance reviews, and any difficult conversations that might follow.

2. Get to Know Your Peers 

Let’s face it, it’s lonely at the top; it can also be very competitive. In between 1x1’s with your team, it’s important to get to know your peers. In these early days, it’s critical to uncover what’s top of mind to them, what problems they’re hoping you’re going to help solve, and what’s gotten in the way of getting things done in the past. During the first 90 days, you learn quickly who is going to be your confidant and who you may need to look out for.  Who you may need to look out for, you ask? I know it sounds ugly, but it’s the truth and it only takes being burned once or twice to figure that out. Making peer connections will help you build trusting relationships, guard yourself from potential landmines, and determine how to get on a path to quick success collaboratively.

3. Get to Know Your Clients

No matter what function you run, you need to know how money gets made, how you win business, and how you lose it. This takes time, but make it a priority along with getting to know your team and peers. Take this course of action for client insights:

4. Get Early Wins 

Establishing early wins comes up in every book ever written for new leaders. It may sound cliché at this point, but the power of it can’t be overstated. What you get done and how soon you get to it has a real impact, especially if you’re taking action on something that people have wanted fixed for a long time. Is there some low hanging fruit – like relaxing the office dress code? (Yes! That’s still a thing in some places). What about adding a holiday or an extended long weekend to the summer schedule, moving someone from part-time to full-time, or allowing for job sharing models? These little steps go a long way in showing your commitment to a better culture.

Other wins should focus on impacting productivity and employee engagement – consider what processes need immediate streamlining and what kind of data people want. All these ideas should come directly from your 1x1 meetings and client analysis, and credit should be given to the person who raised the idea (if they are OK with that). We’ve all experienced new leaders who come in talking about how awesome it was at their last company, pointing fingers at things they think are broken in your organization without fully understanding why the process was put in place to begin with. You will have plenty of opportunities to make an impact and drive results. Early wins should come from what you’ve heard is most important to the team.

5. Communicate Your Vision and Set Goals

It won’t take long before people start asking what you plan to change. Communicating your vision and establishing short- and long-term goals is the last step of engaging as a new leader. Don’t do this too soon; it should come after the first 3 steps of getting to know your team, your peers, and your clients. This builds your short- and long-term goals. Your vision for the team, the function, or the company (depending on your level) should incorporate all the information you’ve gathered. You may be building a case for change or what some may consider disruption, so showing where the data came from makes the goals easier to buy into.

Include the following in your communications:

Following the vision and goal setting, immediately start putting things into action and productively engaging everyone on the team. Begin regular team meetings and 1x1 check-ins with your team.  At monthly team meetings or town halls, review the goals and progress with updates on key objectives. Include visuals and dashboards so that everyone can see the progress you’re making as well as help spot trends and potential issues that need to be addressed.

6. Repeat Steps 1-5 regularly

As a leader, you are likely to outlast most of your team members. A recent report by The Bridge Group shows average sales rep tenure sits at 1.5 years. It’s likely your team is churning as quickly as you’re getting into objective setting, and that has a constant effect on your team dynamics and your ability to reach your goals. Conducting the same 1x1 type interviews you did when you were new works just as well at mid-year check points with just a slight adjustment to your questions.


Putting each of these strategies in place throughout your tenure will help you successfully engage your team and make a continual impact at work. Imagine how good it will feel knowing that, next Thanksgiving, Uncle Dale is going to hear how much your team member respects and appreciates their new boss. So sit back, take that bite of apple sausage stuffing, and enjoy the holidays because you have a plan for your new role. As for me, I’m going back to dreaming of a Lions win.

How Omnia Can Help

The easiest time I’ve ever had taking on a new leadership role was when I joined The Omnia Group. Given that we specialize in behavioral insight, I had immediate, powerful data into the make-up of my team. The Omnia Professional Development report provides details on the traits of each team member, such as level of assertiveness, communication preferences, pace and need for structure. I keep my team dynamics report handy so I can quickly reference the personal motivators and demotivators of each member of my team. Please contact me if you’re interested in learning more about how these resources can help you engage your new team and get off to the right start.

When you hire someone, you want to be sure that they'll do well in their new role. You invest too much time and money to end up with someone who can’t fulfill their responsibilities. But you can’t rely on first impressions or feelings of rapport to identify A-players. Instead, you should use several data points to support your hiring decisions. That’s where cognitive reports and behavioral assessments come in. We’ll share why and how you should use them in tandem when you evaluate candidates.

What is Cognitive Ability?

Before we go any further, let’s define cognitive ability. Cognitive ability is what your brain is capable of doing. It’s the taking in, organizing, processing, and applying of information. You see it in action when you:

While this ability gets partially determined by genetics and can be influenced by outside circumstances, like injury or illness, it can be developed and refined over time. You can improve your cognitive functioning by practicing self-care, reducing stress, and doing activities that exercise your brain, like reading or completing puzzles.

Why is Cognitive Ability Important at Work?

Cognitive ability plays a significant role in determining whether someone will succeed or fail in their position. If the capacity is there, the employee can complete their work effectively and make valuable contributions to the company. It’s also an indication of the candidate’s ability to learn, adapt, and grow. But, if the cognitive ability isn’t high, they may struggle, feel overwhelmed, and likely will not be as productive nor pick up new concepts quickly.

The good news? You can prevent that unfortunate scenario by incorporating a cognitive assessment into your hiring and promotions process for necessary roles.

What Can a Cognitive Report Tell You?

A cognitive report will tell you if a potential candidate has the cognitive ability to fulfill the responsibilities of a given position. The report should describe their capacity to:

Once you have the assessment results, you can decide if the candidate can handle the position as advertised.

What Can a Behavioral Assessment Tell You?

Behavioral assessments also take a deep dive into each candidate’s brain. But, instead of illustrating their aptitude, they reveal their tendencies, preferences, traits, and motivations. The assessment should answer whether a candidate:

With the results in hand, you can determine if their personality would be an asset or a hindrance to them in the target role.

Why Use Them Together?

You understandably want to make your hiring process as simple (and cost-conscious) as possible, so including multiple assessments might seem counter-intuitive. But, we invite you to think a little longer-term. Matching the right candidate with the right position will have major benefits, including reducing costs related to turnover, hiring, and unmotivated staff.

Putting the insight from these assessments together gives you a complete picture of the potential team member. You’ll know what their brain is capable of — and how they tend to work. That knowledge can help you make the right hiring decision the first time and manage the new hire effectively once they’re on board, saving you untold dollars, hours, and aggravation.

How Omnia Can Help

While you may be convinced that you should give these assessments to job candidates, you likely have no idea where to start. That’s where we come in. We’ve developed a cognitive assessment and a behavioral assessment that are proven to provide the information you need to make wise hiring and management decisions.

Our assessments are simple, and candidates can complete both of them in less than 30 minutes. You’ll receive instant results, so you don’t have to delay your hiring process. If you’d like additional insights, our analysts are available to provide verbal consultations as well.

Want to learn more? Contact us today!

Your hiring process is the gatekeeper for your organization. It lets in top talent and blocks out less-than-ideal candidates. But, you must have the right components in place for it to work properly. Scientific and objective measures like cognitive and behavioral assessments can strengthen your hiring process so that only the best-suited professionals make it into your organization.

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