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Effective leaders excel at inspiring and guiding their team to achieve common goals that ultimately create successful and sustaining businesses. The best leaders capture the hearts and minds of their people, building a culture of engaged and thriving performers. This is the magic of great leadership.

Celebrating our 39th anniversary this month, The Omnia Group has been helping organizations select and develop leaders through the power of our behavioral assessment since our inception. Successful leadership begins with self-awareness, particularly understanding one's own personality traits and the unique traits of everyone on the team. Here’s how we do it.


Effective leadership begins with understanding who you are and how you are wired. Self-awareness forms the foundation of effective leadership. By understanding your personality traits, you gain insights into your unique leadership strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and tendencies. This self-awareness enables you to make informed decisions about how to lead and interact with others.

The Omnia Assessment takes just 10 minutes to complete. It’s packed with valuable insights into your distinctive traits. It helps you understand what may or may not be effective for you in your leadership role, gives valuable information on what motivates or demotivates you, and actionable take aways to help you develop, leverage, and execute your primary strengths.

Team Dynamics

Successful leaders must be able to manage and motivate diverse teams. Unfortunately, the odds are stacked against us when it comes to engaging our teams. Our annual 2024 Omnia Talent Survey Trends Report sighted that employee engagement is at an all-time low.

Understanding your personality traits and those of your team members allows you to tailor your leadership approach accordingly. Recognizing and appreciating different personality types, and adapting your style to match the preferences of the individuals on your team creates a more inclusive and harmonious work environment that leads to improved engagement.

Once you’ve gained insight into your own traits and strengths, you can use Omnia development reports for all of your team members, and take advantage of a custom and comprehensive Team Dynamics report to understand where common strengths, synergies and dissimilarities exist. The most successful teams have a healthy distribution of varied personality traits and respect these differences. With Omnia insights, you gain valuable perspective and actional information to leverage every team member’s strength.


Effective communication is essential for building trust and fostering collaboration within teams. I’m a big fan of the Edelman Trust Barometer data that comes from their annual report, even though unfortunately, their data points to a declining rate of trust across the globe when it comes to employee trust in their leaders.

Your personality traits influence how you communicate and interact with others. Consistent interactions and adapting your communications to individual preferences helps improve trust over time. For instance, if you're more assertive, but you have people on your team who are more cautious or risk averse, then you know you need to consciously strive to listen more and be sure to engage team members in different ways. Some prefer more frequent 1x1meetings while others crave team settings and brainstorming.

The key is to be sure everyone's voice is heard. If you have people on your team who prefer to process information independently, it’s best to seek out their feedback in written form or in individual meetings, rather than putting them on the spot in front of their peers. Knowing this about yourself and adapting your communications to the individual preferences of your team will go a long way in improving communications and building trust over time.


Leaders are often tasked with making critical decisions under pressure. Your personality traits shape how you process information and approach decision-making. Knowing your tendencies can help you make more balanced and objective decisions by considering various perspectives and data points.

The Omnia assessment not only uncovers behavioral traits, it also helps determine the quality of an individual’s behavior (what we call Perspective). This gets to the heart of decision making. For example, are you appropriately assertive and competitive? Or more reckless or confrontational? Are you measured and methodical, or might you be stubborn? Knowing your blind spots helps you identify where you need to shore up your own approach and when to ask for help.

I can speak firsthand to this one – as I struggle with a higher perspective which means I tend to over think decisions. Colleagues over the years have rightly chided me and my foot-dragging or reluctance to land the plane, especially when the decision involves a major budget investment, strategic change or impacts an employee’s compensation. Everyone on my team has permission to push me along and help me make tough decisions. And that helps a lot!

Conflict Resolution

Often when I’m speaking in front of a group, I like to start with asking them how many of them have recently dealt with a conflict at work. Invariably everyone in the room raises their hands. Conflict is a natural part of any team dynamic. However, how you handle conflicts can make or break team morale and productivity. Understanding your personality traits enables you to navigate conflicts more effectively by recognizing your own triggers and biases. It also allows you to approach conflicts with empathy and diplomacy, facilitating constructive resolution.

Personality traits can influence how individuals respond to conflict emotionally. Some people may have a high tolerance for stress and remain composed under pressure, while others may become easily overwhelmed or defensive. By understanding these differences, you can approach conflict situations with greater empathy and awareness, helping to de-escalate emotions, promote constructive dialogue and ultimately resolve the conflict, while maintaining the health of the team.


In today's fast-paced and constantly evolving work environment, adaptability is key to leadership success. Your personality traits influence how you respond to change and uncertainty. By knowing your tendencies, you can proactively develop strategies for adapting your leadership approach to address evolving circumstances and challenges. You can be even more effective adapting your style when you know your team’s traits,  workstyles, preferred problem solving and communication preferences.

Knowing your personality traits is not just a self-discovery exercise; it's a fundamental aspect of effective leadership. By leveraging your strengths and understanding your communication style, you can navigate team dynamics and manage conflicts more effectively, and ultimately unlock your full potential as a leader.

Embrace self-awareness, and you’ll be on the path to lead with authenticity, empathy, and impact. If you haven’t identified your unique leadership traits yet, get started today by taking advantage of our complimentary assessment. Our experts are available to debrief your unique leadership traits and help set you on the path to effective leadership.

Finding and hiring talented leaders is critical to the success of a company. A strong and visionary leader provides direction, inspires innovation, and fosters a sense of purpose among team members. Effective leadership promotes a positive organizational culture, encourages collaboration, and helps navigate challenges by making informed decisions.

Leaders set the tone for the work environment, influencing employee morale, motivation, and productivity. Additionally, they play a crucial role in aligning the organization's goals with the individual aspirations of its members. Through effective communication and strategic decision-making, leaders can guide the organization toward its objectives, adapt to changing circumstances, and cultivate a resilient and adaptable workforce.

This is what a leader does, but what traits make a great leader?

At the Omnia Group, we’ve identified two core behavioral traits that are essential to successful leadership: Assertiveness and Independence.

Assertiveness can be expanded to include ambition, personal drive, a willingness to handle conflict, and comfort with some amount of risk.

Independence includes decisiveness, an ability to take action without guidelines, resilience to setbacks, big-picture orientation, a desire to innovate, and resilience to setbacks and criticism.

Effective leaders also have some critical soft skills, such as an ability to communicate effectively, sound judgment in words and actions, empathy for the people they lead and their customers, and a strong work ethic.

Finding someone who is all that (and more) can be tricky. In your recruitment efforts, you’ll need to look at previous successes, interview carefully, and listen for glowing references. Behavioral assessments, like the Omnia Custom and Target assessments, can help immensely in identifying someone with the drive and self-sufficiency you need. The Omnia Assessment also measures candidates’ stress, which can give you a heads up about potential shaky judgment.

With all that’s at stake in recruiting a leader, you’ll want to steer clear of shortcuts, with ONE exception:

Before looking outside your organization for your next leader, you may want to look a little closer to home.

Sometimes, the best place to find potential leaders is your current workforce. After all, who knows the ins and outs of your company better? Where else could you see the kind of traits you need in action?

Fortunately for you, finding them should be simple! Employees with an innate leadership drive are hard to keep in the background.

These future leaders show the behavioral traits and soft skills you need in their everyday actions.

They take initiative in their current roles and make suggestions for improvement but do not overstep boundaries. Leaders are not content with the status quo and are ready to make changes and eager to make things happen.

They work autonomously and think outside the box while respecting essential guidelines. Potential leaders do not need much day-to-day guidance and want to be free to try new things.

They make decisions without needing to confer with their managers or carefully review guidelines. While natural leaders are not reckless, they can handle the consequences if a decision does not work out right.

They build solid professional relationships. They might be outgoing and expressive or more serious and informative, but they know how to connect with people to get the job done. Future leaders are often respected and consulted by others on their team.

They consistently show good judgment in what they say and do on the job. These people make wise decisions, choose their words carefully, and maintain necessary confidentiality. A good manager does not overthink matters but is not impulsive or careless either.

Ask around, watch, and listen. You may not have to go far to find a leader who can help bring your organization to the next level.

Even if you don’t have any current plans to expand leadership, it’s a good idea to be on the look-out for innovators, risk-takers, and go-getters that are already in your ranks. You may not even have to look very hard; it’s likely they’ll seek you out! Consider reaching out to us to have your top performers take a Professional Development assessment to help identify and leverage strengths and mitigate challenge areas to guide them to success.

An exceptional leader embodies a combination of assertiveness, independence, effective communication skills, sound judgment, a robust work ethic, and genuine empathy. Recognizing a performer with this potential within your company not only saves recruiting effort and benefits the employee, but it’s also a strategic move that can significantly contribute to the organization's success. By identifying individuals with these qualities and providing them with the necessary opportunities and support, you can cultivate a dynamic leadership team that propels the company towards innovation and sustained growth.

As Halloween approaches and we revel in the atmosphere of eerie ghouls and goblins, it's a perfect time to delve into a spine-chilling narrative that's not rooted in the supernatural but is all too real: the perils of horrible leadership. Just as we fear monsters under our beds and ghosts in the attic, the horrors of bad leadership can haunt organizations, teams, and individuals in our everyday lives. Sadly, like a scary movie, a bad leadership experience can haunt us for life, living on in nightmares or even worse, looming like a distant memory as we tiptoe into new work experiences, just waiting for that scary behavior to pop out at us in any given circumstance.

In this bone-chilling blog, we'll explore the true horrors through tales of leadership gone awry and the lessons we can learn from these nightmares.

The Haunting of Micromanagement

The first eerie tale we encounter in our exploration of the perils of horrible leadership is the haunting of micromanagement. Picture this: a leader who hovers over their employees, scrutinizing every move, and draining the life out of autonomy and creativity. Much like the relentless chains of a ghost, micromanagement stifles productivity and leaves personnel in a state of perpetual fear. This nightmare scenario often results in low morale and high turnover, making employees feel like they are in a never-ending loop of darkness.

The Curse of Poor Communication

In the dark corners of bad leadership, we discover the curse of poor communication. Leaders who lack the ability to convey clear expectations and share their vision cast a dark pall over their teams. This menacing fog of ambiguity leads to misunderstandings, mistrust, and missed opportunities. Employees are left wandering in the dark, unable to make informed decisions or feel aligned with the organization's goals. Much like a chilling ghost story, poor communication can make the workplace a labyrinth of confusion and dread.

The Shadow of Inequity

As we continue our journey into the depths of leadership horrors, we confront the ominous shadow of inequity. Bad leaders who display favoritism or discrimination create an environment that's more like a haunted house than a thriving workplace. Inequity not only damages employee morale and engagement but also perpetuates a cycle of fear and resentment among team members. The perils of horrible leadership can manifest through unfair practices, leaving an indelible mark on the organization's culture.

The Possession of Short-Term Thinking

Leaders who are consumed by the spirit of short-term thinking can be likened to those possessed by malevolent entities. These leaders prioritize quick fixes and immediate gains, often at the expense of the long-term health and prosperity of the organization. Their actions are akin to dark magic, where they sacrifice the future for the present, ultimately leading the organization down a path of inevitable decline.

The Ghosts of Unaccountability

Unaccountable leaders are like elusive ghosts that evade responsibility for their actions. When leaders refuse to take ownership of their decisions and mistakes, they create a culture where accountability is scarce.  Worse is the leader who won’t admit mistakes or openly display any vulnerability. This eerie absence of accountability allows problems to fester, unresolved and unchecked, and can replicate itself in other characters throughout the organization — giving everyone the indication that mistakes are meant to be covered.

The Cursed Cycle of Burnout

The curse of burnout is another dreadful tale spun by terrible leaders. They push their teams to the brink, like a relentless vampire, sucking the life force out of their employees. These leaders don’t take breaks themselves — working nights and weekends and never taking a full vacation — and expect their personnel to do the same. This creates a workforce plagued by exhaustion, mental and physical health issues, and high turnover rates. It's a story of demotivation and despair that leaves employees feeling like they're stuck in a dark tunnel with no light at the end.

The Redemption of Leadership Lessons

As we step out of these leadership nightmares, let me give you a silver lining: there is hope. The perils of horrible leadership are real, but they serve as cautionary tales. In recognizing these terrors, we can strive to avoid them and work towards leadership that is both effective and ethical. Let this Halloween be a reminder of the importance of leadership that inspires, empowers, and uplifts rather than terrifies and torments.

In the spirit of Halloween, we've explored the perils of horrible leadership, revealing the haunting tales of micromanagement, poor communication, inequity, short-term thinking, unaccountability, burnout, and more. Just as we love the thrill of spooky stories, we should strive to learn from these leadership nightmares, making sure our organizations are free from these frights.

It's up to us to create workplaces where leadership is a beacon of light, not a source of darkness and dread. As we don our costumes and embrace the ghoulish fun of Halloween, let us also commit to exorcising the specters of horrible leadership from our professional lives.

Omnia is here to help!  Take refuge from the perils of leadership horrors, and delve into the personality traits of great leaders. You can start getting to know your unique attributes by taking our assessment and consulting with one of our experts to learn how your leadership traits can keep you from starring in one of these horror tales.

Can you believe it's already time to bid farewell to the dog days of summer? Let's cross our fingers and hope the scorching heat wave bids us adieu too. In the bustling business world, summer vacations have wrapped up, the kids are back in school, and we find ourselves staring down the final months of the year. Is anyone else finding yourself saying, "The holidays will be here before we know it!"? And boy oh boy, does that mean the pressure's on to accomplish a whole lot before Thanksgiving rolls around.

I know many of you are feeling it. It’s completely normal at this time of year to be experiencing a heightened sense of urgency and maybe even impending doom as the end of the year approaches. That’s why we're turning our attention to a topic and a strategy that’s guaranteed to help take your leadership to the next level. We're diving deep into the art of being mindful in our communications, the extraordinary power of mindful leadership, and the eye-opening benefits of self-reflection. The practice of mindfulness can take you from not only surviving a year end but coming out the other side of it more balanced, productive and ultimately more successful. Get ready to embrace mindfulness like never before.

Why being mindful matters now more than ever

In today's fast-paced and demanding world, we find ourselves grappling with an immense amount of pressure when it comes to making crucial decisions and effectively managing our teams. But it's not just us — our teams are facing their own unique challenges as they strive to stay engaged while balancing personal demands and meeting ambitious goals.

Let's take a moment to acknowledge the gravity of the situation with some thought-provoking data. According to a survey by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a staggering 40% of workers are experiencing heightened stress levels in their jobs. And if that isn't alarming enough, The World Health Organization's study reveals that an estimated 12 billion working days are lost every year to depression and anxiety at a cost of US$ 1 trillion per year in lost productivity.

It's incumbent on us as leaders to do something about this — for ourselves and our employees. Mindfulness is not just a fleeting trend or a quick fix; it's a transformative tool that can elevate our leadership skills to new heights. By embracing mindfulness practices in our decision-making and team management, we cultivate a sense of clarity and compassion that paves the way for a flourishing work environment.

But here's the thing: we must also be willing to embrace vulnerability and authenticity within ourselves. When we lead by example and create a safe space for our teams to be their authentic selves, we foster a culture of trust and resilience that can weather any storm. 

Let’s get started on the path to improved mindfulness.

Getting started on the path of being more mindful as a leader requires a commitment to personal growth and the well-being of your employees. Here are practical steps that you can take to cultivate mindfulness for yourself and promote it among your team:

Start with Self-Awareness

Begin by enhancing your self-awareness. Take time to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and reactions in different situations. Mindful leaders are conscious of their strengths, weaknesses, and triggers. Regularly practice mindfulness exercises like meditation, deep breathing, or journaling to become more attuned to your inner state.

Lead by Example

As a leader, your actions have a significant impact on your team. Demonstrate mindfulness in your daily practices and decision-making. Show up fully engaged in meetings, put the phone down, actively listen to your team members, and respond with thoughtfulness. When you lead by example, you inspire your employees to adopt a mindful approach.

Create Mindful Spaces

Encourage moments of mindfulness in the workplace. Consider setting aside a quiet room or designated area where employees can take short breaks for meditation or relaxation. If your team is working remotely, encourage them to use the Do Not Disturb or Focusing tools on your productivity software apps. Allow flexible work hours to enable employees to balance their personal and professional lives more effectively.

Provide Mindfulness Training

Consider offering mindfulness training sessions to your employees. You can start by sharing this month’s blog series and conducting a lunch-and-learn session to discuss the concepts and insights we share. Invite experts to conduct workshops on mindfulness practices, stress reduction, and resilience building.

Promote Work-Life Balance

The numbers I shared at the beginning prove this is a necessity. Support work-life balance for your personnel and prioritize employee well-being. Encourage them to take regular breaks and vacations to recharge. Don’t expect them to work long hours consistently. Be mindful by not sending emails to them outside of working hours. Acknowledge the importance of work-life harmony, and model it yourself.

Integrate Mindfulness into Meetings

Introduce mindfulness practices at the beginning or end of team meetings. Start with a brief mindfulness exercise to center everyone's focus and create a calm environment. This practice can improve team engagement and overall meeting effectiveness.

Encourage Mindful Decision-Making

Encourage your team to make decisions mindfully. Advise them to take a moment before reacting to challenges or making crucial choices. Mindful decision-making allows for thoughtful evaluation of options and reduces impulsive responses.

Remember, cultivating mindfulness is an ongoing journey. Be patient with yourself and your team as you embrace these practices. By integrating mindfulness into your leadership approach, you'll create a more engaged, resilient, and cohesive team, fostering a positive work culture that nurtures personal and professional growth.

Ready to get started?

I’d suggest you kick off this month with us by doing some self-reflection. A self-assessment can be a powerful tool for leaders to take the first step in reflection and become more mindful in their leadership approach. You can begin by taking advantage of the Omnia leadership assessment by clicking here.  /try-a-complimentary-assessment/

Mindfulness isn't about perfection or quick fixes; it's a journey of self-discovery and growth. It's about tuning into the present moment and cultivating a deep sense of awareness. When we lead with mindfulness, we not only nurture our own well-being but also empower our teams to thrive and unleash their full potential.

So, my fellow mindful leaders, let's embark on this journey together. Let's create a workplace where compassion and understanding reign and where each team member feels valued and supported. By choosing mindfulness, we ignite a positive ripple effect that extends far beyond the confines of our organizations, making the world a better place for all.

Let's lead with intention, compassion, and mindfulness. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter, more mindful future.



Also read: 

Accountable Inspiration: Striking the Perfect Leadership Balance for Success
The Leader's Playbook: A Comprehensive Guide from Onboarding to Offboarding
Redefining Leadership: Embracing the Power of Servant Leadership in the Modern Workplace
A Call for Revolutionary Leadership in Today's Context


The term "leader" often brings a charismatic and inspiring figure to mind, while "manager" might suggest a more structured, results-driven role. Leaders and managers are integral roles to the success of an organization, but striking the right balance between the two is a delicate task. The balance involves adjusting your leadership style accordingly and promoting high employee engagement while understanding your unique strengths and the dynamics of your team.

The Interplay of Leader and Manager

We sometimes create an artificial dichotomy between a leader and a manager in business settings. Leaders are perceived as visionaries who inspire and influence others, while managers are seen as those who organize, coordinate, and ensure tasks are accomplished. Ideally, we could have 2 different people in these roles, but that’s not the reality for most of us.

A truly effective leader must encapsulate both roles, exhibiting visionary guidance alongside a structured approach to meeting goals. This amalgamation is where the line between leadership and management blurs, forging a dynamic, versatile role that inspires while pushing for results.

How to Balance Inspirational Leadership and Achievement of Results

Here are 7 strategies that can help you maintain the balance between being an inspiring leader and ensuring that results are achieved:

1. Communicate Your Vision

Your vision shapes the direction your team follows. It acts as the North Star, guiding the organization's desired future. A clear, compelling vision inspires employees to give their best and align their individual efforts with the company's strategic goals.

For your vision to inspire, it must not only resonate with your team, but it must also be effectively and consistently communicated. Encapsulate the vision in simple, relatable language and repeat it regularly in team meetings, emails, and one-on-one discussions.

Remember, effective communication is a two-way street. Encourage your team to ask questions and share their thoughts about the vision. This ensures everyone is on the same page and fully invested in achieving it.

2. Set Clear Expectations

Performance thrives where expectations are crystal clear. To achieve optimal performance from your team, each member needs to understand their roles, what they're expected to achieve, and how their contribution affects the overall goals.

As a leader, your responsibility is to communicate these expectations openly and regularly. Be specific about what needs to be done, when, and why it's important. Involve your team in setting these expectations where possible, as this promotes ownership and increases commitment.

3. Lead by Example

As a leader, you're a role model to your team. Your actions, not just your words, set the tone for your team's behavior. When you 'walk the talk,' your team will likely follow suit.

Embody these traits if you aim for a diligent, accountable, and engaged team: meet your deadlines, own up to your mistakes, and consistently engage with your team and work. Show enthusiasm for your work and the organization's vision. Encourage a culture of learning and continuous improvement.

4. Encourage Participation and Input

Participation breeds commitment. Employees who feel their opinions are valued and can contribute to decision-making will likely be more committed and motivated. As a leader, foster an environment where every idea is welcomed and considered.

Encourage brainstorming sessions, open forums, and regular team meetings where everyone can voice their opinions. This approach not only boosts morale but also enriches decision-making with diverse perspectives. Moreover, it cultivates a sense of ownership, as team members feel more invested in decisions made.

5. Provide constructive feedback

Constructive feedback is a powerful tool for individual and team growth. Regular feedback sessions ensure that good work is acknowledged and areas for improvement are addressed. However, delivering feedback is an art that requires tact and empathy.

Commend the positive aspects of an individual's work before addressing areas that need improvement. Construct your feedback to be supportive and growth oriented, not critical. This approach promotes a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

6. Promote a positive and inclusive team culture

A positive and inclusive culture is the bedrock of high-performing teams. Such a culture enhances job satisfaction, fosters mutual respect, and drives employee engagement. As a leader, it's your responsibility to nurture an environment where everyone feels valued, included, and capable of reaching their full potential.

Celebrate diversity and promote collaboration and transparency. Ensure that recognition and rewards are fair and that everyone has equal opportunities for growth and development.

7. Be flexible and adaptable

The ability to adapt is a hallmark of effective leadership. Different situations, challenges, and team dynamics require different leadership styles and approaches. A one-size-fits-all approach to leadership often needs to be revised.

Assess each situation and adapt your leadership style accordingly. Whether it's a crisis, a change in strategic direction, or a shift in team composition, being flexible allows you to navigate these changes successfully while keeping your team engaged and focused. Encourage feedback from your team regarding your leadership approach, and be open to evolving your style as needed.

The Role of Employee Engagement

Employee engagement plays a significant role in the balance between inspiration and results. Engaged employees are more productive and more likely to be motivated by their leaders. Employee engagement can be promoted through clear communication, regular feedback, recognition, and opportunities for professional development.

In practice, this means that leaders must maintain regular and open lines of communication with their team members. They should provide clear directions and expectations, listen to their team's ideas and concerns, and acknowledge their efforts and achievements.

Leaders who strike the right balance between being a motivating figure and a results-oriented manager will likely see improved team morale, productivity, and business success. It is not a process that occurs overnight. Still, the balance can be achieved with understanding, application of personality traits, behavioral assessments, adaptable leadership styles, and a focus on employee engagement.

Strive to incorporate these strategies into your leadership approach. You'll become a more effective leader, capable of inspiring your team and driving them toward outstanding performance. Start with an open mind and willingness to learn and adapt; the rest will follow. And remember, the journey toward becoming a great leader is one of constant learning and growth, so never stop seeking ways to improve and evolve.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your leadership style? Take our comprehensive leadership personality styles assessment and discover your unique traits and strengths as a leader. Gain valuable insights into your communication preferences, decision-making tendencies, and motivational techniques that can help you inspire your team while driving tangible results.

The Impact of Self Awareness and Knowing your Leadership Traits

Understanding personality traits is fundamental to effective leadership. Leaders' personalities influence their behaviors, decisions, and team relationships. For example, extroverted leaders may excel in public speaking and networking, while introverted leaders might shine in one-on-one conversations or strategic thinking.

Empathy is another essential trait that allows leaders to understand their team members' perspectives and needs. Empathetic leaders tend to be more effective in motivating their teams because they create an environment of mutual respect and trust.

Conscientiousness, another valuable trait, promotes responsibility, organization, and diligence. Conscientious leaders are generally better at planning, setting realistic targets, and ensuring their teams meet them.

However, one must note that there is no 'one-size-fits-all' set of personality traits for leaders. Different circumstances and team dynamics may require different leadership styles and approaches.

How Behavioral Assessments Can Help

Utilizing behavioral assessments can be an excellent way to understand your own leadership style and the dynamics of your team. These assessments help leaders identify their strengths and areas for improvement. They also provide insight into how your behaviors may affect others and how your team members will likely respond to different situations.

With knowledge from these assessments, leaders can adapt their style to better motivate their team and achieve results. For example, a leader with a primarily dominant style might need to dial back their assertiveness when dealing with a team member who responds better to a supportive and patient approach.

Embrace the power of self-awareness and leverage your personality traits to become a more effective, mindful leader. By understanding your leadership style, you'll be better equipped to adapt your approach and create a positive, empowering work environment where your team thrives.

Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transform your leadership capabilities. Click the link below to take the assessment and gain access to personalized insights that will elevate your leadership to new heights!


Remember, a mindful and adaptable leader is the key to a successful and harmonious team. Take the first step today and unleash your leadership potential!



Also read: 

The Leader's Playbook: A Comprehensive Guide from Onboarding to Offboarding
Redefining Leadership: Embracing the Power of Servant Leadership in the Modern Workplace
5 Leadership Traits of the Founding Fathers to Reflect on This Fourth of July
The Visionary Personality Type
A Call for Revolutionary Leadership in Today's Context


With the current focus on workplace culture (and how to improve it), servant leadership has become a hot topic. Unfortunately, traditional leadership often brings to mind someone imposing their will on others through aggressive power plays. Servant leadership, though, shows us another way to approach the responsibilities of leading, guiding, and inspiring employees.

What is Servant Leadership?

Servant leadership turns the traditional leadership hierarchy upside down, putting employees and customers at the top of the pyramid, and promotes an others-focused culture. It replaces the idea that leadership is a rank to obtain with the notion that leadership offers the chance to serve others.

Additionally, instead of using force or control to drive performance, a servant leader shares power to promote engagement and productivity. Speaker, business consultant, and author/co-author of more than 60 books, many on the subject of leadership, Ken Blanchard explains, “Servant leaders don’t command people to obey; they invite people to follow.”

Blanchard states that servant leadership is a two-part endeavor:

In addition to viewing employees as active contributors, servant leaders must show strong judgment in their decision-making about how assets are used. As speaker, author, and executive coach John Baldoni puts it, “The servant school of leadership teaches us to husband our resources and to be good stewards of what we have, who we are, and what we want to accomplish. Leaders in business cannot give away the store, otherwise there will be no more business, and consequently they will put people on the street without jobs. There must always be prudence in leadership.”

The Benefits of Servant Leadership

When polled by Adam Focht and Michael Ponton for their Delphi study, Identifying Primary Characteristics of Servant Leadership, scholars in the field of servant leadership agreed the five most prominent attributes of servant leaders are: valuing people, humility, listening, trust, and caring.

When leaders put those characteristics to work, they can reap big dividends in a variety of ways, including:

But don’t just take my word for it…

Real-world Examples of Servant Leadership in Action

When Cheryl Bachelder took the role of CEO of Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen in 2007, the company was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. After learning about servant leadership, she came to the “well-founded conclusion that serving the people and the enterprise is by far the best path to superior financial performance.” She started by going on “listening tours,” talking to restaurant workers, guests, and other stakeholders in seven cities. From the information offered in these exchanges, Bachelder determined what the company’s top issues were and developed a plan for correcting them.

In addition to listening, Bachelder embarked on building strong relationships and partnerships with franchise owners. She prioritized making the business owners feel supported by traveling to different cities to meet with them personally. Conversations brought to light areas for improvement within the company, and Bachelder showed her commitment to correcting those problems by discussing timelines for resolution and resources to be allocated.

Bachelder also dedicated her time to coaching her direct reports to become strong leaders themselves. She states the importance of recognizing each person’s strengths, challenges, and distinctly individual qualities. In her blog, she writes, “To contribute to a person’s development, I must start with an understanding of their unique design and how they got to where they are today.”

Though incorporating servant leadership principles may have been a risk, it paid off in many ways. With Bachelder at the helm, Popeyes earned a 95 percent satisfaction level with their franchise partners, making it number one in the restaurant industry in that area. Her investment in her franchisees resulted in their investment back in the company. Restaurant revenues grew 45 percent, bottom-line profits more than doubled, and stocks went from $13 per share when Bachelder first started to $79 per share.

Cheryl Bachelder’s story is compelling and shows the varied and far-reaching benefits of incorporating servant leadership within a company. And these principles can be put into practice in smaller, but no less meaningful, ways too. In the book Lead with LUV, Colleen Barrett, President Emerita of Southwest Airlines, recalls a situation with Southwest’s cofounder and former CEO Herb Kelleher that made a lasting impression on her.

“One of the most influential things that ever happened to me … occurred when I was a young secretary working with Herb. We had a mailer that had to get out, and everything that could go wrong with it went wrong. It had to be in the mail the next day. Well, the day before, the copy machine broke down and the postage was somehow wrong. So all of these envelopes that had been stuffed had to be retyped, and this was not when you could just push a button and it would happen. You did it all yourself, manually. So, it was about eight o’clock at night, the night they had to be postmarked, and we had to start all over again.

“Herb sat right there with me until four o’clock in the morning, on the floor, licking envelopes and putting stamps on envelopes, because we didn’t have a postage machine. I’ll never forget it. My gosh. And he could have even thought that it was my fault that the mailing had gone wrong. But he didn’t. He just jumped right in there with me. That was a really valuable lesson for me, so I’ve always tried to remember it and emulate it.”

How Omnia Can Help Your Servant Leadership Efforts

In his book Simple Truths of Leadership, Ken Blanchard asserts that effective servant leaders do not assume that they know what motivates their individual employees. Echoing Cheryl Bachelder’s sentiments, he says servant leaders understand that they have to use different approaches for guiding and inspiring each employee.

We at Omnia couldn’t agree more, and our behavioral assessment and suite of professional development reports gives leaders the targeted insights they need to understand what drives each person, the strengths to further develop, and the challenge areas to improve. In addition, our leadership style report helps executives, managers, and anyone in leadership understand their own unique personality dimensions and how to grow and improve in their own roles.

Contact us today to let us be of service to you and become your trusted partner in helping your business thrive!


Also read: 

Revolutionize Leadership by Understanding Your Personal Style
5 Leadership Traits of the Founding Fathers to Reflect on This Fourth of July
The Visionary Personality Type
Personality Spotlight: The Logistical Driver
A Call for Revolutionary Leadership in Today's Context

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