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How Being Thoughtful Contributes to Good Leadership

October 19, 2017

By: Omnia Group

Ask someone to describe a good leader, and you’ll probably hear words like “trustworthy,” “decisive,” “smart,” and “charismatic.” A word you probably won’t hear is “thoughtful.”

Who would claim that being thoughtful is a bad thing? Likely no one, but still, “thoughtfulness” doesn’t quite top the list of “Must Have Leadership Traits.”

What’s going on here? In my humble opinion, thoughtfulness should be a bonafide leadership requirement. Thoughtfulness and high emotional intelligence (EQ) go hand in hand, and we all know that EQ is key to effective leadership.

Perhaps you need additional convincing? No problem. Here’s a bunch of ways thoughtfulness contributes to good leadership.

Thoughtful leaders…

Choose Their Words Carefully

We’d hope that all leaders would endeavor to choose their words carefully, but they don’t. Sadly, one of the privileges of leadership is having the power to speak recklessly without suffering the natural consequences of doing so. Instead, others with less power are left to clean up the mess the thoughtless words produced. Impact and not intent is what matters here. Even without meaning to do harm, a few carelessly spoken (or written) words can inflict damage that’s not easily repaired.

Use Power Responsibly

According to the old saying, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Yet, preparation for management rarely includes education about how to use power responsibly. The result is not always pretty. In his book Somebodies and Nobodies, Robert Fuller describes how the problem of rankism – de-fined as “rank-based discrimination” – is the root of much workplace conflict. As careful as they are with speech (see above), thoughtful leaders take care that their actions don’t abuse the trust of their peers, subordinates, or superiors.

Can Exercise Patience

Peruse the job boards, and you’re likely to come across any number of companies proudly advertising themselves as “fast-paced.” Agility and flexibility are desirable qualities for our modern businesses, but patience is important, too. Patience reduces mistakes and makes time for everyone who should be included in decision making to be included in decision making. This not only results in better problem solving, but it also reduces conflict too.

Are a Calming Influence

Unfortunately, some leaders are more adept at creating chaos than calm. While it’s easy to confuse drama with doing, the best leaders can keep a cool head during the most stressful situations. They don’t burden everyone else with their upset feelings, which is also a good way to ensure that subordinates don’t, in turn, pass any negative energy on to their staff.

Build Bridges

Employees appreciate it when employers take a sincere interest in their personal well-being, and thoughtful leaders do just that. Their consideration, empathy, and fairness begets loyalty and increased productivity because workers never mind going “above and beyond” for a manager who’s proven to be a reliable advocate. Less thoughtful leaders struggle here because their leadership personality styles don’t lend themselves to slowing down and taking the time needed to forge these connections – should they even see the value in doing so.

For the most part, ours is a “more, more, more” and “get it done faster, faster, faster” society, but reflective leaders capable of deep thought are very much needed. These leaders inject stability and humanity to the workplace, and they allow room for employees to bring their best and whole selves to the job, which benefits us all.

Omnia Group

For over 30 years, we’ve helped organizations across the world improve and optimize their workforce operations and company cultures. While we take a unique, scientific approach to hiring, development and retention, we also believe every business is a people business. Our passionate advisors always put people first.

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